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synced 2025-03-10 21:39:12 +00:00

* Use the new TimelineMediaPreview modifier on the room and pinned timeline screens. * Use the same presentation logic for all timeline media previews. * Fix a bug with the detection of the timeline end. * Send pagination requests from the media preview screen. * Add SwiftLint to the Danger workflow (it is no longer installed on the runner). * Put SwiftLint back on all of the GitHub runners too. * Set the function_parameter_count lint rule to 10. * Make sure to clean-up any previews when the coordinator is done. * Handle the viewInRoomTimeline action more appropriately.
211 lines
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211 lines
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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
// periphery:ignore:all
import Combine
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
class MockTimelineController: TimelineControllerProtocol {
/// An array of timeline item arrays that will be inserted in order for each back pagination request.
var backPaginationResponses: [[RoomTimelineItemProtocol]] = []
/// An array of timeline items that will be appended in order when ``simulateIncomingItems()`` is called.
var incomingItems: [RoomTimelineItemProtocol] = []
var roomProxy: JoinedRoomProxyProtocol?
var roomID: String { roomProxy?.id ?? "MockRoomIdentifier" }
var timelineKind: TimelineKind
let callbacks = PassthroughSubject<TimelineControllerCallback, Never>()
var paginationState: PaginationState = .initial {
didSet {
var timelineItems: [RoomTimelineItemProtocol] = RoomTimelineItemFixtures.default
var timelineItemsTimestamp: [TimelineItemIdentifier: Date] = [:]
private var client: UITestsSignalling.Client?
static var mediaGallery: MockTimelineController {
MockTimelineController(timelineKind: .media(.mediaFilesScreen), timelineItems: (0..<5).reduce([]) { partialResult, _ in
partialResult + [RoomTimelineItemFixtures.separator] + RoomTimelineItemFixtures.mediaChunk
static var emptyMediaGallery: MockTimelineController {
let mock = MockTimelineController(timelineKind: .media(.mediaFilesScreen))
mock.paginationState = PaginationState(backward: .timelineEndReached, forward: .timelineEndReached)
return mock
init(timelineKind: TimelineKind = .live, listenForSignals: Bool = false, timelineItems: [RoomTimelineItemProtocol] = RoomTimelineItemFixtures.default) {
self.timelineKind = timelineKind
self.timelineItems = timelineItems
guard listenForSignals else { return }
do {
try startListening()
} catch {
fatalError("Failure setting up signalling: \(error)")
private(set) var focusOnEventCallCount = 0
func focusOnEvent(_ eventID: String, timelineSize: UInt16) async -> Result<Void, TimelineControllerError> {
focusOnEventCallCount += 1
return .success(())
private(set) var focusLiveCallCount = 0
func focusLive() {
focusLiveCallCount += 1
private(set) var paginateBackwardsCallCount = 0
func paginateBackwards(requestSize: UInt16) async -> Result<Void, TimelineControllerError> {
paginateBackwardsCallCount += 1
paginationState = PaginationState(backward: .paginating, forward: .timelineEndReached)
if client == nil {
try? await simulateBackPagination()
return .success(())
private(set) var paginateForwardsCallCount = 0
func paginateForwards(requestSize: UInt16) async -> Result<Void, TimelineControllerError> {
paginateForwardsCallCount += 1
return .success(())
func sendReadReceipt(for itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) async {
guard let roomProxy, let eventID = itemID.eventID else { return }
_ = await roomProxy.timeline.sendReadReceipt(for: eventID, type: .read)
func processItemAppearance(_ itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) async { }
func processItemDisappearance(_ itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) async { }
func sendMessage(_ message: String,
html: String?,
inReplyToEventID: String?,
intentionalMentions: IntentionalMentions) async { }
func toggleReaction(_ reaction: String, to eventID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID) async { }
func edit(_ eventOrTransactionID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID,
message: String,
html: String?,
intentionalMentions: IntentionalMentions) async { }
func editCaption(_ eventOrTransactionID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID,
message: String,
html: String?,
intentionalMentions: IntentionalMentions) async { }
func removeCaption(_ eventOrTransactionID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID) async { }
private(set) var redactCalled = false
func redact(_ eventOrTransactionID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID) async {
redactCalled = true
func pin(eventID: String) async { }
func unpin(eventID: String) async { }
func messageEventContent(for itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation? {
.init(noPointer: .init())
func debugInfo(for itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) -> TimelineItemDebugInfo {
.init(model: "Mock debug description", originalJSON: nil, latestEditJSON: nil)
func sendHandle(for itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) -> SendHandleProxy? {
func eventTimestamp(for itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) -> Date? {
timelineItemsTimestamp[itemID] ?? .now
// MARK: - UI Test signalling
/// The cancellable used for UI Tests signalling.
private var signalCancellable: AnyCancellable?
/// Allows the simulation of server responses by listening for signals from UI tests.
private func startListening() throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .app)
signalCancellable = client.signals.sink { [weak self] signal in
Task {
do {
try await self?.handleSignal(signal)
} catch {
self.client = client
/// Handles a UI test signal as necessary.
private func handleSignal(_ signal: UITestsSignal) async throws {
switch signal {
case .timeline(.paginate):
try await simulateBackPagination()
case .timeline(.incomingMessage):
try await simulateIncomingItem()
/// Appends the next incoming item to the `timelineItems` array.
private func simulateIncomingItem() async throws {
guard !incomingItems.isEmpty else { return }
let incomingItem = incomingItems.removeFirst()
callbacks.send(.updatedTimelineItems(timelineItems: timelineItems, isSwitchingTimelines: false))
try client?.send(.success)
/// Prepends the next chunk of items to the `timelineItems` array.
private func simulateBackPagination() async throws {
defer {
paginationState = PaginationState(backward: backPaginationResponses.isEmpty ? .timelineEndReached : .idle,
forward: .timelineEndReached)
guard !backPaginationResponses.isEmpty else { return }
let newItems = backPaginationResponses.removeFirst()
timelineItems.insert(contentsOf: newItems, at: 0)
callbacks.send(.updatedTimelineItems(timelineItems: timelineItems, isSwitchingTimelines: false))
try client?.send(.success)