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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
/// A light wrapper around timeline items returned from Rust.
enum TimelineItemProxy {
case event(EventTimelineItemProxy)
case virtual(MatrixRustSDK.VirtualTimelineItem, uniqueID: TimelineItemIdentifier.UniqueID)
case unknown(MatrixRustSDK.TimelineItem)
init(item: MatrixRustSDK.TimelineItem) {
if let eventItem = item.asEvent() {
self = .event(EventTimelineItemProxy(item: eventItem, uniqueID: .init(rustValue: item.uniqueId())))
} else if let virtualItem = item.asVirtual() {
self = .virtual(virtualItem, uniqueID: .init(rustValue: item.uniqueId()))
} else {
self = .unknown(item)
var isEvent: Bool {
switch self {
case .event:
return true
return false
/// The delivery status for the item.
enum TimelineItemDeliveryStatus: Hashable {
case sending
case sent
case sendingFailed(TimelineItemSendFailure)
var isSendingFailed: Bool {
switch self {
case .sending, .sent: false
case .sendingFailed: true
/// The reason a timeline item failed to send.
enum TimelineItemSendFailure: Hashable {
enum VerifiedUser: Hashable {
case hasUnsignedDevice(devices: [String: [String]])
case changedIdentity(users: [String])
var affectedUserIDs: [String] {
switch self {
case .hasUnsignedDevice(let devices): Array(devices.keys)
case .changedIdentity(let users): users
case verifiedUser(VerifiedUser)
case unknown
/// A light wrapper around event timeline items returned from Rust.
class EventTimelineItemProxy {
let item: MatrixRustSDK.EventTimelineItem
let id: TimelineItemIdentifier
init(item: MatrixRustSDK.EventTimelineItem, uniqueID: TimelineItemIdentifier.UniqueID) {
self.item = item
id = .event(uniqueID: uniqueID, eventOrTransactionID: .init(rustValue: item.eventOrTransactionId))
lazy var deliveryStatus: TimelineItemDeliveryStatus? = {
guard let localSendState = item.localSendState else {
return nil
switch localSendState {
case .sendingFailed(let error, let isRecoverable):
switch error {
case .identityViolations(let users):
return .sendingFailed(.verifiedUser(.changedIdentity(users: users)))
case .insecureDevices(let userDeviceMap):
return .sendingFailed(.verifiedUser(.hasUnsignedDevice(devices: userDeviceMap)))
return .sendingFailed(.unknown)
case .notSentYet:
return .sending
case .sent:
return .sent
lazy var canBeRepliedTo = item.canBeRepliedTo
lazy var content = item.content
lazy var isOwn = item.isOwn
lazy var isEditable = item.isEditable
lazy var sender: TimelineItemSender = {
let profile = item.senderProfile
switch profile {
case let .ready(displayName, isDisplayNameAmbiguous, avatarUrl):
return .init(id: item.sender,
displayName: displayName,
isDisplayNameAmbiguous: isDisplayNameAmbiguous,
avatarURL: avatarUrl.flatMap(URL.init(string:)))
return .init(id: item.sender,
displayName: nil,
isDisplayNameAmbiguous: false,
avatarURL: nil)
lazy var reactions = item.reactions
lazy var timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(item.timestamp / 1000))
lazy var debugInfo: TimelineItemDebugInfo = {
let debugInfo = item.lazyProvider.debugInfo()
return TimelineItemDebugInfo(model: debugInfo.model, originalJSON: debugInfo.originalJson, latestEditJSON: debugInfo.latestEditJson)
lazy var shieldState = item.lazyProvider.getShields(strict: false)
lazy var sendHandle = item.lazyProvider.getSendHandle()
lazy var shouldBoost = item.lazyProvider.containsOnlyEmojis()
lazy var readReceipts = item.readReceipts
struct TimelineItemDebugInfo: Identifiable, CustomStringConvertible {
let id = UUID()
let model: String
let originalJSON: String?
let latestEditJSON: String?
init(model: String, originalJSON: String?, latestEditJSON: String?) {
self.model = model
self.originalJSON = Self.prettyJsonFormattedString(from: originalJSON)
self.latestEditJSON = Self.prettyJsonFormattedString(from: latestEditJSON)
var description: String {
var description = model
if let originalJSON {
description += "\n\n\(originalJSON)"
if let latestEditJSON {
description += "\n\n\(latestEditJSON)"
return description
// MARK: - Private
private static func prettyJsonFormattedString(from string: String?) -> String? {
guard let string,
let data = string.data(using: .utf8),
let jsonDictionary = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers),
let jsonData = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: jsonDictionary, options: [.prettyPrinted]) else {
return nil
return String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)
struct SendHandleProxy: Hashable {
enum Error: Swift.Error {
case sdkError(Swift.Error)
let itemID: TimelineItemIdentifier
let underlyingHandle: SendHandle
func resend() async -> Result<Void, Error> {
do {
try await underlyingHandle.tryResend()
return .success(())
} catch {
return .failure(.sdkError(error))
// MARK: - Hashable
static func == (lhs: SendHandleProxy, rhs: SendHandleProxy) -> Bool {
lhs.itemID == rhs.itemID
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static var mock: SendHandleProxy {
.init(itemID: .event(uniqueID: .init(UUID().uuidString),
eventOrTransactionID: .eventID(UUID().uuidString)),
underlyingHandle: .init(noPointer: .init()))
struct VideoInfoProxy: Hashable {
let source: MediaSourceProxy
private(set) var duration: TimeInterval
private(set) var size: CGSize?
private(set) var aspectRatio: CGFloat?
private(set) var mimeType: String?
private(set) var fileSize: UInt?
init(source: MediaSource, duration: TimeInterval, width: UInt64?, height: UInt64?, mimeType: String?, fileSize: UInt?) {
self.source = MediaSourceProxy(source: source, mimeType: mimeType)
self.duration = duration
let mediaInfo = MediaInfoProxy(width: width, height: height, mimeType: mimeType)
size = mediaInfo.size
aspectRatio = mediaInfo.aspectRatio
self.mimeType = mediaInfo.mimeType
self.fileSize = fileSize
// MARK: - Mocks
private init(source: MediaSourceProxy, duration: TimeInterval, size: CGSize?, aspectRatio: CGFloat?, mimeType: String?, fileSize: UInt?) {
self.source = source
self.duration = duration
self.size = size
self.aspectRatio = aspectRatio
self.mimeType = mimeType
self.fileSize = fileSize
static var mockVideo: VideoInfoProxy {
guard let mediaSource = try? MediaSourceProxy(url: .mockMXCVideo, mimeType: nil) else {
fatalError("Invalid mock media source URL")
return .init(source: mediaSource,
duration: 100,
size: .init(width: 1920, height: 1080),
aspectRatio: 1.78,
mimeType: nil,
fileSize: 45_167_000)
struct ImageInfoProxy: Hashable {
let source: MediaSourceProxy
private(set) var size: CGSize?
private(set) var aspectRatio: CGFloat?
private(set) var mimeType: String?
private(set) var fileSize: UInt?
init?(source: MediaSource?, width: UInt64?, height: UInt64?, mimeType: String?, fileSize: UInt?) {
guard let source else {
return nil
self.init(source: .init(source: source, mimeType: mimeType), width: width, height: height, mimeType: mimeType, fileSize: fileSize)
init(source: MediaSource, width: UInt64?, height: UInt64?, mimeType: String?, fileSize: UInt?) {
self.init(source: .init(source: source, mimeType: mimeType), width: width, height: height, mimeType: mimeType, fileSize: fileSize)
init(source: MediaSourceProxy, width: UInt64?, height: UInt64?, mimeType: String?, fileSize: UInt?) {
self.source = source
let mediaInfo = MediaInfoProxy(width: width, height: height, mimeType: mimeType)
size = mediaInfo.size
aspectRatio = mediaInfo.aspectRatio
self.mimeType = mediaInfo.mimeType
self.fileSize = fileSize
// MARK: - Mocks
private init(source: MediaSourceProxy, size: CGSize?, aspectRatio: CGFloat?, fileSize: UInt?) {
self.source = source
self.size = size
self.aspectRatio = aspectRatio
mimeType = source.mimeType
self.fileSize = fileSize
static var mockImage: ImageInfoProxy {
guard let mediaSource = try? MediaSourceProxy(url: .mockMXCImage, mimeType: "image/jpg") else {
fatalError("Invalid mock media source URL")
return .init(source: mediaSource, size: .init(width: 2730, height: 2048), aspectRatio: 4 / 3, fileSize: 717_000)
static var mockThumbnail: ImageInfoProxy {
guard let mediaSource = try? MediaSourceProxy(url: .mockMXCImage, mimeType: "image/jpg") else {
fatalError("Invalid mock media source URL")
return .init(source: mediaSource, size: .init(width: 800, height: 600), aspectRatio: 4 / 3, fileSize: 84000)
static var mockVideoThumbnail: ImageInfoProxy {
guard let mediaSource = try? MediaSourceProxy(url: .mockMXCVideo, mimeType: "image/jpg") else {
fatalError("Invalid mock media source URL")
return .init(source: mediaSource, size: .init(width: 800, height: 450), aspectRatio: 16 / 9, fileSize: 98000)
private struct MediaInfoProxy: Hashable {
private(set) var size: CGSize?
private(set) var mimeType: String?
private(set) var aspectRatio: CGFloat?
init(width: UInt64?, height: UInt64?, mimeType: String?) {
if let width, let height {
size = .init(width: CGFloat(width), height: CGFloat(height))
if width > 0, height > 0 {
aspectRatio = CGFloat(width) / CGFloat(height)
self.mimeType = mimeType