Doug cfaa1b455a
Use the new preview screen when tapping media on the room and pinned events screens. (#3736)
* Use the new TimelineMediaPreview modifier on the room and pinned timeline screens.

* Use the same presentation logic for all timeline media previews.

* Fix a bug with the detection of the timeline end.

* Send pagination requests from the media preview screen.

* Add SwiftLint to the Danger workflow (it is no longer installed on the runner).

* Put SwiftLint back on all of the GitHub runners too.

* Set the function_parameter_count lint rule to 10.

* Make sure to clean-up any previews when the coordinator is done.

* Handle the viewInRoomTimeline action more appropriately.
2025-02-05 13:27:23 +00:00

132 lines
4.9 KiB

// Copyright 2023, 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import Foundation
import MatrixRustSDK
enum TimelineKind: Equatable {
case live
case detached
case pinned
enum MediaPresentation { case roomScreenLive, roomScreenDetached, pinnedEventsScreen, mediaFilesScreen }
case media(MediaPresentation)
enum TimelineFocus {
case live
case eventID(String)
case pinned
enum TimelineAllowedMessageType {
case audio, file, image, video
enum TimelineProxyError: Error {
case sdkError(Error)
case failedRedacting
case failedPaginatingEndReached
// sourcery: AutoMockable
protocol TimelineProxyProtocol {
var timelineProvider: TimelineProviderProtocol { get }
func subscribeForUpdates() async
func fetchDetails(for eventID: String)
func messageEventContent(for timelineItemID: TimelineItemIdentifier) async -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation?
func retryDecryption(sessionIDs: [String]?) async
func paginateBackwards(requestSize: UInt16) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func paginateForwards(requestSize: UInt16) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func edit(_ eventOrTransactionID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID,
newContent: EditedContent) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func redact(_ eventOrTransactionID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID,
reason: String?) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func pin(eventID: String) async -> Result<Bool, TimelineProxyError>
func unpin(eventID: String) async -> Result<Bool, TimelineProxyError>
// MARK: - Sending
func sendAudio(url: URL,
audioInfo: AudioInfo,
caption: String?,
requestHandle: @MainActor (SendAttachmentJoinHandleProtocol) -> Void) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendFile(url: URL,
fileInfo: FileInfo,
caption: String?,
requestHandle: @MainActor (SendAttachmentJoinHandleProtocol) -> Void) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendImage(url: URL,
thumbnailURL: URL,
imageInfo: ImageInfo,
caption: String?,
requestHandle: @MainActor (SendAttachmentJoinHandleProtocol) -> Void) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendLocation(body: String,
geoURI: GeoURI,
description: String?,
zoomLevel: UInt8?,
assetType: AssetType?) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendVideo(url: URL,
thumbnailURL: URL,
videoInfo: VideoInfo,
caption: String?,
requestHandle: @MainActor (SendAttachmentJoinHandleProtocol) -> Void) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendVoiceMessage(url: URL,
audioInfo: AudioInfo,
waveform: [UInt16],
requestHandle: @MainActor (SendAttachmentJoinHandleProtocol) -> Void) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendReadReceipt(for eventID: String, type: ReceiptType) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendMessageEventContent(_ messageContent: RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendMessage(_ message: String,
html: String?,
inReplyToEventID: String?,
intentionalMentions: IntentionalMentions) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func toggleReaction(_ reaction: String, to eventID: TimelineItemIdentifier.EventOrTransactionID) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func createPoll(question: String, answers: [String], pollKind: Poll.Kind) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func editPoll(original eventID: String,
question: String,
answers: [String],
pollKind: Poll.Kind) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func endPoll(pollStartID: String, text: String) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func sendPollResponse(pollStartID: String, answers: [String]) async -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError>
func getLoadedReplyDetails(eventID: String) async -> Result<InReplyToDetails, TimelineProxyError>
func buildMessageContentFor(_ message: String,
html: String?,
intentionalMentions: Mentions) -> RoomMessageEventContentWithoutRelation
extension TimelineProxyProtocol {
func retryDecryption() async {
await retryDecryption(sessionIDs: nil)