manuroe 3950cac085
Dual licensing: AGPL + Element Commercial (#3657)

* Apply dual licenses: AGPL + Element Commercial to file headers

* Update README with dual licensing
2025-01-06 11:27:37 +01:00

111 lines
4.5 KiB

// Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Foundation
struct SessionDirectories: Hashable, Codable {
let dataDirectory: URL
let cacheDirectory: URL
var dataPath: String { dataDirectory.path(percentEncoded: false) }
var cachePath: String { cacheDirectory.path(percentEncoded: false) }
// MARK: Data Management
/// Removes the directories from disk if they have been created.
func delete() {
do {
if FileManager.default.directoryExists(at: dataDirectory) {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: dataDirectory)
} catch {
MXLog.failure("Failed deleting the session data: \(error)")
do {
if FileManager.default.directoryExists(at: cacheDirectory) {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: cacheDirectory)
} catch {
MXLog.failure("Failed deleting the session caches: \(error)")
/// Deletes the Rust state store and event cache data, leaving the crypto store and both
/// session directories in place along with any other data that may have been written in them.
func deleteTransientUserData() {
do {
let prefix = "matrix-sdk-state"
try deleteFiles(at: dataDirectory, with: prefix)
} catch {
MXLog.failure("Failed clearing state store: \(error)")
do {
let prefix = "matrix-sdk-event-cache"
try deleteFiles(at: cacheDirectory, with: prefix)
} catch {
MXLog.failure("Failed clearing event cache store: \(error)")
/// Check that mission critical files (the crypto db) are still in the right place when restoring a session
/// iOS might decide to move the app with its user defaults and keychain but without
/// some of the files stored in the shared container e.g. after a device transfer, offloading etc.
/// If that happens we should fail the session restoration.
func isNonTransientUserDataValid() -> Bool {
FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: dataPath.appending("/matrix-sdk-crypto.sqlite3"))
private func deleteFiles(at url: URL, with prefix: String) throws {
let sessionDirectoryContents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
for url in sessionDirectoryContents where url.lastPathComponent.hasPrefix(prefix) {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url)
extension SessionDirectories {
/// Creates a fresh set of session directories for a new user.
init() {
let sessionDirectoryName = UUID().uuidString
dataDirectory = .sessionsBaseDirectory.appending(component: sessionDirectoryName)
cacheDirectory = .sessionCachesBaseDirectory.appending(component: sessionDirectoryName)
/// Creates the session directories for a user who signed in before the data directory was stored.
init(userID: String) {
dataDirectory = .legacySessionDirectory(for: userID)
cacheDirectory = .sessionCachesBaseDirectory.appending(component: dataDirectory.lastPathComponent)
/// Creates the session directories for a user who has a single session directory stored without a separate caches directory.
init(dataDirectory: URL) {
self.dataDirectory = dataDirectory
cacheDirectory = .sessionCachesBaseDirectory.appending(component: dataDirectory.lastPathComponent)
extension SessionDirectories: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
"Data: \(dataPath) Caches: \(cachePath)"
// MARK: Migrations
private extension URL {
/// Gets the store directory of a legacy session that hasn't been migrated to the new token format.
/// This should only be used to fill in the missing value when restoring a token as older versions of
/// the SDK set the session directory for us, based on the user's ID. Newer sessions now use a UUID,
/// which is generated app side during authentication.
static func legacySessionDirectory(for userID: String) -> URL {
// Rust sanitises the user ID replacing invalid characters with an _
let sanitisedUserID = userID.replacingOccurrences(of: ":", with: "_")
return .sessionsBaseDirectory.appendingPathComponent(sanitisedUserID)