mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:39:12 +00:00

* Move assets into ElementX folder * Add first version of localizer script * Add generated strings & tests & fallback mechanism * Rename strings file to Localizable * Rename Assets to Resources * Calculate preferred languages only when needed, remove share extension check * Add comments in the localizer script * Add GH workflow to push issues to the [ElementX board](https://github.com/orgs/vector-im/projects/43) * Closes #16 - Add license file * New version of localizer script, handle pluralization * Move assets into ElementX folder * Add first version of localizer script * Add generated strings & tests & fallback mechanism * Rename strings file to Localizable * Rename Assets to Resources * Calculate preferred languages only when needed, remove share extension check * Add comments in the localizer script * New version of localizer script, handle pluralization * Revert login button text * Add multiple dialect pluralization, fix string formatting Co-authored-by: manuroe <manu@matrix.org> Co-authored-by: Stefan Ceriu <stefanc@matrix.org>
143 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
143 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
import sys
import os
import errno
from imp import reload
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import XMLParser
encoding = 'utf-8'
if sys.version_info.major < 3:
# normalize given language code to iOS language code format:
# https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/LanguageandLocaleIDs/LanguageandLocaleIDs.html
def normalize_language_code(code):
mappings = {
'b+sr+Latn': 'sr-Latn'
# codes cannot be converted: 'vls', 'ang', 'szl', 'tzm'
# return from mappings if exists
if code in mappings:
return mappings[code]
# try to strip additional 'r' from the code
r_tag = code.find('-r')
if len(code) == 6 and r_tag != -1:
result = code.replace('-r', '-')
return result
# return the original
return code
# normalize given string by handling escapes and Android -> iOS format specifiers
def normalize_str(e):
unique_tmp_val = '___'
quote = '"'
escaping_quote = '\\"'
result = str(e).encode(encoding).strip() # convert input to a encoded string object and strip
result = result.replace(escaping_quote, unique_tmp_val) # replace escaping quotes with a temp value
result = result.replace(quote, '') # remove all quotes
result = result.replace(unique_tmp_val, escaping_quote) # revert temp values to escaping quotes back
result = result.replace('%s', '%@') # replace C-style specifiers
for i in range(1, 6):
result = result.replace('%' + str(i) + '$s', '%' + str(i) + '$@') # replace C-style indexed specifiers
result = result.replace('${app_name}', '%@') # replace JSON-style specifiers
result = result.replace('$ {app_name}', '%@') # replace JSON-style specifiers
result = result.replace('&', '&') # replace ampersand
result = result.replace('<', '<') # replace less than
result = result.replace('>', '>') # replace greater than
result = result.replace('\n', '')
return result
def create_directories_for(output):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)):
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def convert_file(input, output):
f_strings = open(output, 'w')
# parse input XML into root
root = ET.parse(input, parser=XMLParser(encoding=encoding)).getroot()
for node in root.findall('string'):
key = node.get('name')
value = ET.tostring(node, encoding=encoding)
value = value.replace('</string>', '')
end_of_string_tag = value.find('>')
if end_of_string_tag != -1:
value = value[end_of_string_tag+1:]
f_strings.write('"' + normalize_str(key) + '" = "' + normalize_str(value) + '";' + '\n')
# parse plurals and build stringsdict plist
strings_plist = ET.Element('plist')
strings_plist.set('version', '1.0')
stringsDict = ET.SubElement(strings_plist, 'dict')
for node in root.findall('plurals'):
top_key = ET.SubElement(stringsDict, 'key')
top_key.text = node.get('name')
top_dict = ET.SubElement(stringsDict, 'dict')
format_key = ET.Element('key')
format_key.text = 'NSStringLocalizedFormatKey'
inner_string = ET.Element('string')
inner_string.text = '%#@VARIABLE@'
inner_key2 = ET.Element('key')
inner_key2.text = 'VARIABLE'
inner_dict = ET.Element('dict')
spec_type_key = ET.SubElement(inner_dict, 'key')
spec_type_key.text = 'NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey'
rule_type_key = ET.SubElement(inner_dict, 'string')
rule_type_key.text = 'NSStringPluralRuleType'
value_type_key = ET.SubElement(inner_dict, 'key')
value_type_key.text = 'NSStringFormatValueTypeKey'
value_type_value_string = ET.SubElement(inner_dict, 'string')
value_type_value_string.text = 'd'
for item in node.findall('item'):
if item.text is not None and item.text != '':
value = item.text
quantity = item.get('quantity')
key = ET.SubElement(inner_dict, 'key')
key.text = normalize_str(quantity)
string = ET.SubElement(inner_dict, 'string')
string.text = normalize_str(value)
# write to stringsdict file
if stringsDict.find('key') is not None:
output_dict = str(output) + 'dict'
tree = ET.ElementTree(element=strings_plist)
tree.write(file_or_filename=output_dict, encoding=encoding, xml_declaration=False)
os.system('plutil -convert xml1 ' + output_dict)
# os.system('./fetch_android_strings.sh')
print('\nAndroid strings fetched.\n')
res_folder = 'element-android/vector/src/main/res'
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(res_folder):
for dir in dirs:
lang_code = dir
lang_code = lang_code.replace('values-', '')
if lang_code == 'values':
lang_code = 'en'
input = os.path.join(os.path.join(res_folder, dir), 'strings.xml')
output = '../../ElementX/Resources/Localizations/' + normalize_language_code(lang_code) + '.lproj/Localizable.strings'
input = os.path.realpath(input)
output = os.path.realpath(output)
print('--- Processing ' + lang_code + ' as: ' + normalize_language_code(lang_code))
convert_file(input, output)
os.system('xcodegen') |