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* New LICENSE-COMMERCIAL file * Apply dual licenses: AGPL + Element Commercial to file headers * Update README with dual licensing
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// Copyright 2023, 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import SwiftState
import SwiftUI
enum AppLockFlowCoordinatorAction: Equatable {
/// Display the unlock flow.
case lockApp
/// Hide the unlock flow.
case unlockApp
/// Forces a logout of the user.
case forceLogout
/// Coordinates the display of any screens shown when the app is locked.
class AppLockFlowCoordinator: CoordinatorProtocol {
let appLockService: AppLockServiceProtocol
let navigationCoordinator: NavigationRootCoordinator
/// States the flow can find itself in
enum State: StateType {
/// The initial state before the app has launched. If the user hasn't enabled
/// App Lock, then the flow will continue to remain in this state after launch.
case initial
/// The app is in the foreground and visible to the user.
case unlocked
/// The app has resigned active but is not yet in the background. This state
/// shows the placeholder, but doesn't require an unlock on becoming active.
case appObscured
/// The app is in the background.
case backgrounded
/// The app is returning to the foreground.
case launching
/// The app is presenting biometric unlock to the user.
case attemptingBiometricUnlock
/// Biometric unlock has completed but the system UI is still the active input.
/// Once the app becomes active again, it will trigger the next state.
case dismissingBiometricUnlock(AppLockServiceBiometricResult)
/// The app is presenting the unlock screen for PIN code entry.
case attemptingPINUnlock
/// The user failed to unlock the app (or forgot their PIN) and is being logged out.
case loggingOut
/// Events that can be triggered on the flow state machine
enum Event: EventType {
/// Starts the flow while the app is launching in the background.
case start
/// The app is resigning active (going into the app switcher, showing system UI like Face ID, permissions prompt etc).
case willResignActive
/// The app is now backgrounded and not visible to the user.
case didEnterBackground
/// The app is in the background and has just been launched by the user.
case willEnterForeground
/// The app is in the foreground and has been given focus.
case didBecomeActive
/// Biometric unlock has completed with the following result.
case didFinishBiometricUnlock(AppLockServiceBiometricResult)
/// The entered PIN code was accepted.
case didUnlockWithPIN
/// The user failed to unlock the app (or forgot their PIN).
case forceLogout
/// The service has been enabled.
case serviceEnabled
/// The service has been disabled.
case serviceDisabled
private let stateMachine: StateMachine<State, Event>
private var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
/// Whether or not biometric unlock should be attempted instead of asking for a PIN.
private var isBiometricUnlockAvailable: Bool {
appLockService.biometricUnlockEnabled && appLockService.biometricUnlockTrusted
private let actionsSubject: PassthroughSubject<AppLockFlowCoordinatorAction, Never> = .init()
var actions: AnyPublisher<AppLockFlowCoordinatorAction, Never> {
init(initialState: State = .initial,
appLockService: AppLockServiceProtocol,
navigationCoordinator: NavigationRootCoordinator,
notificationCenter: NotificationCenter = .default) {
self.appLockService = appLockService
self.navigationCoordinator = navigationCoordinator
// Set the initial state and start with the placeholder screen as the root view.
stateMachine = .init(state: initialState)
notificationCenter.publisher(for: UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification)
.sink { [weak self] _ in
.store(in: &cancellables)
notificationCenter.publisher(for: UIApplication.didEnterBackgroundNotification)
.sink { [weak self] _ in
.store(in: &cancellables)
notificationCenter.publisher(for: UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification)
.sink { [weak self] _ in
.store(in: &cancellables)
notificationCenter.publisher(for: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification)
.sink { [weak self] _ in
.store(in: &cancellables)
.sink { [weak self] isEnabled in
self?.stateMachine.tryEvent(isEnabled ? .serviceEnabled : .serviceDisabled)
.store(in: &cancellables)
func toPresentable() -> AnyView {
// MARK: - State machine
private func configureStateMachine() {
stateMachine.addRouteMapping { [weak self] event, fromState, _ in
guard let self, appLockService.isEnabled else { return fromState }
switch (fromState, event) {
case (.initial, .start):
return .backgrounded
case (.unlocked, .willResignActive):
return .appObscured
case (.appObscured, .didBecomeActive):
return .unlocked
case (_, .didEnterBackground):
return .backgrounded
case (_, .willEnterForeground):
return .launching
case (.launching, .didBecomeActive):
guard appLockService.computeNeedsUnlock(didBecomeActiveAt: .now) else { return .unlocked }
return isBiometricUnlockAvailable ? .attemptingBiometricUnlock : .attemptingPINUnlock
case (.attemptingBiometricUnlock, .didFinishBiometricUnlock(let result)):
return .dismissingBiometricUnlock(result) // Transitional state until the app becomes active again.
case (.dismissingBiometricUnlock(let result), .didBecomeActive):
return switch result {
case .unlocked: .unlocked
case .failed: .attemptingPINUnlock
case .interrupted: .attemptingBiometricUnlock
case (.attemptingPINUnlock, .didUnlockWithPIN):
return .unlocked
case (.attemptingPINUnlock, .forceLogout):
return .loggingOut
// Transition to a valid state when enabling the service for the first time.
case (.initial, .serviceEnabled):
return .unlocked
// Transition to a valid state once the service is disabled following a forced logout.
case (.loggingOut, .serviceDisabled):
return .unlocked
return fromState
stateMachine.addAnyHandler(.any => .any) { [weak self] context in
guard let self, context.fromState != context.toState else { return }
MXLog.info("Transitioning from `\(context.fromState)` to `\(context.toState)` with event `\(String(describing: context.event))`.")
switch (context.fromState, context.toState) {
case (_, .appObscured):
case (_, .backgrounded):
showPlaceholder() // Double call but just to be safe. Useful at app launch.
case (_, .launching):
showPlaceholder() // Triple call but necessary after being suspended.
case (_, .attemptingBiometricUnlock):
showPlaceholder() // For the unlock background. Quadruple call but just to be safe.
Task { await self.attemptBiometricUnlock() }
case (.attemptingBiometricUnlock, .dismissingBiometricUnlock):
break // Transitional state, no need to do anything.
case (_, .attemptingPINUnlock):
case (_, .unlocked):
case (_, .loggingOut):
fatalError("Unhandled transition.")
stateMachine.addErrorHandler { context in
fatalError("Unexpected transition from `\(context.fromState)` to `\(context.toState)` with event `\(String(describing: context.event))`.")
// MARK: - App unlock
/// Displays the unlock flow with the app's placeholder view to hide obscure the view hierarchy in the app switcher.
private func showPlaceholder() {
navigationCoordinator.setRootCoordinator(PlaceholderScreenCoordinator(showsBackgroundGradient: true), animated: false)
/// Attempts to authenticate the user using Face ID, Touch ID or (possibly) Optic ID.
private func attemptBiometricUnlock() async {
let result = await appLockService.unlockWithBiometrics()
/// Displays the unlock flow with the main unlock screen.
private func showUnlockScreen() {
let coordinator = AppLockScreenCoordinator(parameters: .init(appLockService: appLockService))
coordinator.actions.sink { [weak self] action in
guard let self else { return }
switch action {
case .appUnlocked:
case .forceLogout:
.store(in: &cancellables)
navigationCoordinator.setRootCoordinator(coordinator, animated: false)