Stefan Ceriu 922ebf47e6
Fix some concurrency warnings, update missed licence headers. (#3741)
* Switch the TimelineController to an async sequence and fix the warnings on the UserIndicatorController
2025-02-06 11:35:23 +02:00

107 lines
4.2 KiB

// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import XCTest
@testable import ElementX
class ResolveVerifiedUserSendFailureScreenViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
let roomProxy = JoinedRoomProxyMock(.init())
var viewModel: ResolveVerifiedUserSendFailureScreenViewModel!
var context: ResolveVerifiedUserSendFailureScreenViewModel.Context { viewModel.context }
func testUnsignedDevice() async throws {
// Given a failure where a single user has an unverified device
let userID = ""
viewModel = makeViewModel(with: .hasUnsignedDevice(devices: [userID: ["DEVICE1"]]))
try await verifyResolving(userIDs: [userID])
func testMultipleUnsignedDevices() async throws {
// Given a failure where a multiple users have unverified devices.
let userIDs = ["", "", ""]
let devices = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: { (key: $0, value: ["DEVICE1, DEVICE2"]) })
viewModel = makeViewModel(with: .hasUnsignedDevice(devices: devices))
try await verifyResolving(userIDs: userIDs, assertStrings: false)
func testChangedIdentity() async throws {
// Given a failure where a single user's identity has changed.
let userID = ""
viewModel = makeViewModel(with: .changedIdentity(users: [userID]))
try await verifyResolving(userIDs: [userID])
func testMultipleChangedIdentities() async throws {
// Given a failure where a multiple users have unverified devices.
let userIDs = ["", "", ""]
viewModel = makeViewModel(with: .changedIdentity(users: userIDs))
try await verifyResolving(userIDs: userIDs)
// MARK: Helpers
private func makeViewModel(with failure: TimelineItemSendFailure.VerifiedUser) -> ResolveVerifiedUserSendFailureScreenViewModel {
ResolveVerifiedUserSendFailureScreenViewModel(failure: failure,
sendHandle: .mock,
roomProxy: roomProxy,
userIndicatorController: UserIndicatorControllerMock())
private func verifyResolving(userIDs: [String], assertStrings: Bool = true) async throws {
var remainingUserIDs = userIDs
while remainingUserIDs.count > 1 {
// Verify that the strings are being updated.
if assertStrings {
verifyDisplayName(from: remainingUserIDs)
// When resolving the first failure.
let deferredFailure = deferFailure(viewModel.actionsPublisher, timeout: 1) { $0 == .dismiss }
context.send(viewAction: .resolveAndResend)
// Then the sheet should remain open for the next failure.
try await deferredFailure.fulfill()
// Verify the final string.
if assertStrings {
verifyDisplayName(from: remainingUserIDs)
// When resolving the final failure.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actionsPublisher) { $0 == .dismiss }
context.send(viewAction: .resolveAndResend)
// Then the sheet should be dismissed.
try await deferred.fulfill()
private func verifyDisplayName(from remainingUserIDs: [String]) {
guard let userID = remainingUserIDs.first else {
XCTFail("There should be a user ID to check.")
guard let displayName = roomProxy.membersPublisher.value.first(where: { $0.userID == userID })?.displayName else {
XCTFail("There should be a matching mock user")