Doug 21154c7eef
Disable broken UI Tests and remove navigation. (#577)
Add locale to signalling service name.
Type strings character by character.
Add a default test timeout of 1 minute.

* Directly set UI Tests screens as the root screen.

Speeds up test runs by removing scrolling and searching for buttons.

* Parallelise test runs from Xcode (not fastlane).

* Disable signalling based tests.
2023-02-14 16:25:24 +00:00
2022-11-28 11:19:40 +00:00
2022-04-13 13:57:27 +03:00
2022-11-15 11:49:13 +02:00



Generates all app icon variants from one single .pdf file.


sh ../ElementX/Supporting\ Files/AppIcon.pdf ../ElementX/Supporting\ Files


Generates all app localization files and imports them to the project, by downloading strings from element-android and converting them to strings and stringsdict files.



Boot Test Simulator

Boots a desired simulator and makes status bar overrides on that.


./ 'iPhone 13 Pro Max'

Create screen templates

New screen flows are currently using the MVVM-Coordinator pattern. Run Tools/Scripts/ to create a new screen and all its required dependencies.


./ Folder MyScreenName

After that run xcodegen to regenerate the project. script will create:

  • Folder within the /ElementX/Sources/Screens/. Files inside will be named MyScreenNameXxx.
  • MyScreenNameScreenUITests.swift within UITests/Sources
  • MyScreenNameViewModelTests.swift within UnitTests/Sources/Unit