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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import XCTest
class RoomScreenUITests: XCTestCase {
func testPlainNoAvatar() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomPlainNoAvatar)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomPlainNoAvatar, delay: .seconds(0.5))
func testSmallTimelineLayout() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimeline)
// The messages should be bottom aligned.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimeline, delay: .seconds(0.5))
func testSmallTimelineWithIncomingAndPagination() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimelineIncomingAndSmallPagination)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// When a back pagination occurs and an incoming message arrives.
try await performOperation(.incomingMessage, using: client)
try await performOperation(.paginate, using: client)
// Then the 4 visible messages should stay aligned to the bottom.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimelineIncomingAndSmallPagination, delay: .seconds(0.5))
func testSmallTimelineWithLargePagination() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimelineLargePagination)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// When a large back pagination occurs.
try await performOperation(.paginate, using: client)
// The bottom of the timeline should remain visible with more items added above.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimelineLargePagination, delay: .seconds(0.5))
func testTimelineLayoutAtTop() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomLayoutTop)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// Given a timeline that is scrolled to the top.
for _ in 0...5 {
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutTop, delay: .seconds(0.5)) // Assert initial state for comparison.
// When a back pagination occurs.
try await performOperation(.paginate, using: client)
// Then the bottom of the timeline should remain unchanged (with new items having been added above).
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutTop, delay: .seconds(0.5))
func testTimelineLayoutAtBottom() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomLayoutBottom)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// Some time for the timeline to settle
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
// When an incoming message arrives.
try await performOperation(.incomingMessage, using: client)
// Some time for the timeline to settle
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
// Then the timeline should scroll down to reveal the message.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutBottom, step: 0, delay: .seconds(0.5))
// When the keyboard appears for the message composer.
try await tapMessageComposer(in: app)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutBottom, step: 1, delay: .seconds(0.5))
func testTimelineLayoutHighlightExisting() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomLayoutHighlight)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// When tapping a permalink to an item in the timeline.
try await performOperation(.focusOnEvent("$5"), using: client)
// Then the item should become highlighted.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutHighlight, step: 0, delay: .seconds(0.5))
guard UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone else { return }
// When scrolling to the bottom and tapping the same permalink again.
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1)) // Some time for the timeline to settle
try await performOperation(.focusOnEvent("$5"), using: client)
// Then the item should also be highlighted and scrolled to in the same state as before.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutHighlight, step: 0)
func testTimelineReadReceipts() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimelineWithReadReceipts)
// The messages should be bottom aligned.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimelineWithReadReceipts, delay: .seconds(0.5))
func testTimelineDisclosedPolls() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomWithDisclosedPolls)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomWithDisclosedPolls)
func testTimelineUndisclosedPolls() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomWithUndisclosedPolls)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomWithUndisclosedPolls)
func testTimelineOutgoingPolls() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomWithOutgoingPolls)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomWithOutgoingPolls)
// MARK: - Helper Methods
private func performOperation(_ operation: UITestsSignal.Timeline, using client: UITestsSignalling.Client) async throws {
try client.send(.timeline(operation))
await _ = client.signals.values.first { $0 == .success }
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2)) // Allow the timeline to update
private func tapMessageComposer(in app: XCUIApplication) async throws {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(10)) // Allow the animations to complete