Stefan Ceriu caaa89af62
Media gallery - part 1(#3588)
* Introduce a `MediaEventsTimelineFlowCoordinator`
* Update SDK API and architecture
* Add a feature flag, add translations
* Move the media events timeline presentation under the room flow coordinator state machine
* Rename `TimelineViewState.timelineViewState` of type `TimelineState` to `timelineState`
* Enabled SwiftLint's `trailing_closure` rule and fix the warnings.
2024-12-06 16:58:14 +02:00

112 lines
4.3 KiB

// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
import XCTest
@testable import ElementX
class JoinRoomScreenViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
var viewModel: JoinRoomScreenViewModelProtocol!
var context: JoinRoomScreenViewModelType.Context {
override func tearDown() {
viewModel = nil
func testInteraction() async throws {
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actionsPublisher) { $0 == .joined }
context.send(viewAction: .join)
try await deferred.fulfill()
func testAcceptInviteInteraction() async throws {
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actionsPublisher) { $0 == .joined }
context.send(viewAction: .acceptInvite)
try await deferred.fulfill()
func testDeclineInviteInteraction() async throws {
try await deferFulfillment(viewModel.context.$viewState) { $0.roomDetails != nil }.fulfill()
context.send(viewAction: .declineInvite)
XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.context.alertInfo?.id, .declineInvite)
func testKnockedState() async throws {
setupViewModel(knocked: true)
try await deferFulfillment(viewModel.context.$viewState) { state in
state.mode == .knocked
func testCancelKnock() async throws {
setupViewModel(knocked: true)
try await deferFulfillment(viewModel.context.$viewState) { state in
state.mode == .knocked
context.send(viewAction: .cancelKnock)
XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.context.alertInfo?.id, .cancelKnock)
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actionsPublisher) { action in
action == .dismiss
try await deferred.fulfill()
private func setupViewModel(throwing: Bool = false, knocked: Bool = false) {
let clientProxy = ClientProxyMock(.init())
clientProxy.joinRoomViaReturnValue = throwing ? .failure(.sdkError(ClientProxyMockError.generic)) : .success(())
clientProxy.roomPreviewForIdentifierViaReturnValue = .success(.init(roomID: "",
name: nil,
canonicalAlias: nil,
topic: nil,
avatarURL: nil,
memberCount: 0,
isHistoryWorldReadable: nil,
isJoined: false,
isInvited: false,
isPublic: false,
canKnock: false))
if knocked {
clientProxy.roomForIdentifierClosure = { _ in
let roomProxy = KnockedRoomProxyMock(.init())
// to test the cancel knock function
roomProxy.cancelKnockUnderlyingReturnValue = .success(())
return .knocked(roomProxy)
ServiceLocator.shared.settings.knockingEnabled = true
viewModel = JoinRoomScreenViewModel(roomID: "1",
via: [],
appSettings: ServiceLocator.shared.settings,
clientProxy: clientProxy,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderMock(configuration: .init()),
userIndicatorController: ServiceLocator.shared.userIndicatorController)