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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
import AnalyticsEvents
@testable import ElementX
import PostHog
import XCTest
class AnalyticsTests: XCTestCase {
private var appSettings: AppSettings!
private var analyticsClient: AnalyticsClientMock!
private var posthogMock: PHGPostHogMock!
override func setUp() {
appSettings = AppSettings()
analyticsClient = AnalyticsClientMock()
analyticsClient.isRunning = false
ServiceLocator.shared.register(analytics: AnalyticsService(client: analyticsClient,
appSettings: appSettings))
posthogMock = PHGPostHogMock()
override func tearDown() {
func testAnalyticsPromptNewUser() {
// Given a fresh install of the app (without PostHog analytics having been set).
// When the user is prompted for analytics.
let showPrompt = ServiceLocator.shared.analytics.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt
// Then the prompt should be shown.
XCTAssertTrue(showPrompt, "A prompt should be shown for a new user.")
func testAnalyticsPromptUserDeclinedPostHog() {
// Given an existing install of the app where the user previously declined PostHog
appSettings.analyticsConsentState = .optedOut
// When the user is prompted for analytics
let showPrompt = ServiceLocator.shared.analytics.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt
// Then no prompt should be shown.
XCTAssertFalse(showPrompt, "A prompt should not be shown any more.")
func testAnalyticsPromptUserAcceptedPostHog() {
// Given an existing install of the app where the user previously accepted PostHog
appSettings.analyticsConsentState = .optedIn
// When the user is prompted for analytics
let showPrompt = ServiceLocator.shared.analytics.shouldShowAnalyticsPrompt
// Then no prompt should be shown.
XCTAssertFalse(showPrompt, "A prompt should not be shown any more.")
func testAnalyticsPromptNotDisplayed() {
// Given a fresh install of the app Analytics should be disabled
XCTAssertEqual(appSettings.analyticsConsentState, .unknown)
func testAnalyticsOptOut() {
// Given a fresh install of the app (without PostHog analytics having been set).
// When analytics is opt-out
// Then analytics should be disabled
XCTAssertEqual(appSettings.analyticsConsentState, .optedOut)
// Analytics client should have been stopped
func testAnalyticsOptIn() {
// Given a fresh install of the app (without PostHog analytics having been set).
// When analytics is opt-in
// The analytics should be enabled
XCTAssertEqual(appSettings.analyticsConsentState, .optedIn)
// Analytics client should have been started
func testAnalyticsStartIfNotEnabled() {
// Given an existing install of the app where the user previously declined the tracking
appSettings.analyticsConsentState = .optedOut
// Analytics should not start
func testAnalyticsStartIfEnabled() {
// Given an existing install of the app where the user previously accepted the tracking
appSettings.analyticsConsentState = .optedIn
// Analytics should start
func testAddingUserProperties() {
// Given a client with no user properties set
let client = PostHogAnalyticsClient()
XCTAssertNil(client.pendingUserProperties, "No user properties should have been set yet.")
// When updating the user properties
client.updateUserProperties(AnalyticsEvent.UserProperties(allChatsActiveFilter: nil,
ftueUseCaseSelection: .PersonalMessaging,
numFavouriteRooms: 4,
numSpaces: 5, recoveryState: .Disabled, verificationState: .Verified))
// Then the properties should be cached
XCTAssertNotNil(client.pendingUserProperties, "The user properties should be cached.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.ftueUseCaseSelection, .PersonalMessaging, "The use case selection should match.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.numFavouriteRooms, 4, "The number of favorite rooms should match.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.numSpaces, 5, "The number of spaces should match.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.verificationState, AnalyticsEvent.UserProperties.VerificationState.Verified, "The verification state should match.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.recoveryState, AnalyticsEvent.UserProperties.RecoveryState.Disabled, "The recovery state should match.")
func testMergingUserProperties() {
// Given a client with a cached use case user properties
let client = PostHogAnalyticsClient()
client.updateUserProperties(AnalyticsEvent.UserProperties(allChatsActiveFilter: nil, ftueUseCaseSelection: .PersonalMessaging,
numFavouriteRooms: nil,
numSpaces: nil, recoveryState: nil, verificationState: nil))
XCTAssertNotNil(client.pendingUserProperties, "The user properties should be cached.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.ftueUseCaseSelection, .PersonalMessaging, "The use case selection should match.")
XCTAssertNil(client.pendingUserProperties?.numFavouriteRooms, "The number of favorite rooms should not be set.")
XCTAssertNil(client.pendingUserProperties?.numSpaces, "The number of spaces should not be set.")
// When updating the number of spaced
client.updateUserProperties(AnalyticsEvent.UserProperties(allChatsActiveFilter: nil, ftueUseCaseSelection: nil,
numFavouriteRooms: 4,
numSpaces: 5, recoveryState: nil, verificationState: nil))
// Then the new properties should be updated and the existing properties should remain unchanged
XCTAssertNotNil(client.pendingUserProperties, "The user properties should be cached.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.ftueUseCaseSelection, .PersonalMessaging, "The use case selection shouldn't have changed.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.numFavouriteRooms, 4, "The number of favorite rooms should have been updated.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.numSpaces, 5, "The number of spaces should have been updated.")
func testSendingUserProperties() {
// Given a client with user properties set
let client = PostHogAnalyticsClient(posthogFactory: MockPostHogFactory(mock: posthogMock))
client.start(analyticsConfiguration: appSettings.analyticsConfiguration)
client.updateUserProperties(AnalyticsEvent.UserProperties(allChatsActiveFilter: nil, ftueUseCaseSelection: .PersonalMessaging,
numFavouriteRooms: nil,
numSpaces: nil, recoveryState: nil, verificationState: nil))
XCTAssertNotNil(client.pendingUserProperties, "The user properties should be cached.")
XCTAssertEqual(client.pendingUserProperties?.ftueUseCaseSelection, .PersonalMessaging, "The use case selection should match.")
// When sending an event (tests run under Debug configuration so this is sent to the development instance)
let someEvent = AnalyticsEvent.Error(context: nil,
cryptoModule: .Rust,
cryptoSDK: .Rust,
domain: .E2EE,
eventLocalAgeMillis: nil,
isFederated: nil,
isMatrixDotOrg: nil,
name: .OlmKeysNotSentError,
timeToDecryptMillis: nil,
userTrustsOwnIdentity: nil,
wasVisibleToUser: nil)
let capturedEvent = posthogMock.capturePropertiesUserPropertiesReceivedArguments
// The user properties should have been added
XCTAssertEqual(capturedEvent?.userProperties?["ftueUseCaseSelection"] as? String, AnalyticsEvent.UserProperties.FtueUseCaseSelection.PersonalMessaging.rawValue)
// Then the properties should be cleared
XCTAssertNil(client.pendingUserProperties, "The user properties should be cleared.")
func testResetConsentState() {
// Given an existing install of the app where the user previously accpeted the tracking
appSettings.analyticsConsentState = .optedIn
// When forgetting analytics consents
// Then the analytics prompt should be presented again
XCTAssertEqual(appSettings.analyticsConsentState, .unknown)
func testSendingAndUpdatingSuperProperties() {
// Given a client with user properties set
let client = PostHogAnalyticsClient(posthogFactory: MockPostHogFactory(mock: posthogMock))
client.start(analyticsConfiguration: appSettings.analyticsConfiguration)
AnalyticsEvent.SuperProperties(appPlatform: .EXI,
cryptoSDK: .Rust,
cryptoSDKVersion: "000")
// When sending an event (tests run under Debug configuration so this is sent to the development instance)
client.screen(AnalyticsEvent.MobileScreen(durationMs: nil, screenName: .Home))
let screenEvent = posthogMock.screenPropertiesReceivedArguments
XCTAssertEqual(screenEvent?.screenTitle, AnalyticsEvent.MobileScreen.ScreenName.Home.rawValue)
// All the super properties should have been added
XCTAssertEqual(screenEvent?.properties?["cryptoSDK"] as? String, AnalyticsEvent.SuperProperties.CryptoSDK.Rust.rawValue)
XCTAssertEqual(screenEvent?.properties?["appPlatform"] as? String, "EXI")
XCTAssertEqual(screenEvent?.properties?["cryptoSDKVersion"] as? String, "000")
// It should be the same for any event
let someEvent = AnalyticsEvent.Error(context: nil,
cryptoModule: .Rust,
cryptoSDK: .Rust,
domain: .E2EE,
eventLocalAgeMillis: nil,
isFederated: nil,
isMatrixDotOrg: nil,
name: .OlmKeysNotSentError,
timeToDecryptMillis: nil,
userTrustsOwnIdentity: nil,
wasVisibleToUser: nil)
let capturedEvent = posthogMock.capturePropertiesUserPropertiesReceivedArguments
// All the super properties should have been added
XCTAssertEqual(capturedEvent?.properties?["cryptoSDK"] as? String, AnalyticsEvent.SuperProperties.CryptoSDK.Rust.rawValue)
XCTAssertEqual(capturedEvent?.properties?["appPlatform"] as? String, "EXI")
XCTAssertEqual(capturedEvent?.properties?["cryptoSDKVersion"] as? String, "000")
// Updating should keep the previously set properties
AnalyticsEvent.SuperProperties(appPlatform: .EXI,
cryptoSDK: .Rust,
cryptoSDKVersion: "001")
let capturedEvent2 = posthogMock.capturePropertiesUserPropertiesReceivedArguments
// All the super properties should have been added, with the one udpated
XCTAssertEqual(capturedEvent2?.properties?["cryptoSDK"] as? String, AnalyticsEvent.SuperProperties.CryptoSDK.Rust.rawValue)
XCTAssertEqual(capturedEvent2?.properties?["appPlatform"] as? String, "EXI")
XCTAssertEqual(capturedEvent2?.properties?["cryptoSDKVersion"] as? String, "001")
func testShouldNotReportIfNotStarted() {
// Given a client with user properties set
let client = PostHogAnalyticsClient(posthogFactory: MockPostHogFactory(mock: posthogMock))
// No call to start
client.screen(AnalyticsEvent.MobileScreen(durationMs: nil, screenName: .Home))
XCTAssertEqual(posthogMock.screenPropertiesCalled, false)
// It should be the same for any event
let someEvent = AnalyticsEvent.Error(context: nil,
cryptoModule: .Rust,
cryptoSDK: .Rust,
domain: .E2EE,
eventLocalAgeMillis: nil,
isFederated: nil,
isMatrixDotOrg: nil,
name: .OlmKeysNotSentError,
timeToDecryptMillis: nil,
userTrustsOwnIdentity: nil,
wasVisibleToUser: nil)
XCTAssertEqual(posthogMock.capturePropertiesUserPropertiesCalled, false)
// start now
client.start(analyticsConfiguration: appSettings.analyticsConfiguration)
XCTAssertEqual(posthogMock.optInCalled, true)
XCTAssertEqual(posthogMock.capturePropertiesUserPropertiesCalled, true)