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// Copyright 2023 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Compound
import SwiftUI
enum TimelineReplyViewPlacement {
case timeline
case composer
struct TimelineReplyView: View {
let placement: TimelineReplyViewPlacement
let timelineItemReplyDetails: TimelineItemReplyDetails?
var body: some View {
if let timelineItemReplyDetails {
switch timelineItemReplyDetails {
case .loaded(let sender, let content):
switch content {
case .audio(let content):
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: content.body,
formattedBody: nil,
icon: .init(kind: .systemIcon("waveform"), cornerRadii: iconCornerRadii))
case .emote(let content):
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: content.body,
formattedBody: content.formattedBody)
case .file(let content):
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: content.body,
formattedBody: nil,
icon: .init(kind: .iconAsset(Asset.Images.document), cornerRadii: iconCornerRadii))
case .image(let content):
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: content.body,
formattedBody: nil,
icon: .init(kind: .mediaSource(content.thumbnailSource ?? content.source), cornerRadii: iconCornerRadii))
case .notice(let content):
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: content.body,
formattedBody: content.formattedBody)
case .text(let content):
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: content.body,
formattedBody: content.formattedBody)
case .video(let content):
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: content.body,
formattedBody: nil,
icon: content.thumbnailSource.map { .init(kind: .mediaSource($0), cornerRadii: iconCornerRadii) })
case .voice:
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: L10n.commonVoiceMessage,
formattedBody: nil,
icon: .init(kind: .icon(\.micOnOutline), cornerRadii: iconCornerRadii))
case .location:
ReplyView(sender: sender,
plainBody: L10n.commonSharedLocation,
formattedBody: nil,
icon: .init(kind: .iconAsset(Asset.Images.addLocation), cornerRadii: iconCornerRadii))
private var iconCornerRadii: Double {
switch placement {
case .composer:
return 9.0
case .timeline:
return 4.0
private struct LoadingReplyView: View {
var body: some View {
ReplyView(sender: .init(id: "@alice:matrix.org"), plainBody: "Hello world", formattedBody: nil)
.redacted(reason: .placeholder)
private struct ReplyView: View {
struct Icon {
enum Kind {
case mediaSource(MediaSourceProxy)
case systemIcon(String)
case iconAsset(ImageAsset)
case icon(KeyPath<CompoundIcons, Image>)
let kind: Kind
let cornerRadii: Double
@EnvironmentObject private var context: RoomScreenViewModel.Context
@ScaledMetric private var imageContainerSize = 36.0
let sender: TimelineItemSender
let plainBody: String
let formattedBody: AttributedString?
var icon: Icon?
var isTextOnly: Bool {
icon == nil
/// The string shown as the message preview.
/// This converts the formatted body to a plain string to remove formatting
/// and render with a consistent font size. This conversion is done to avoid
/// showing markdown characters in the preview for messages with formatting.
var messagePreview: String {
guard let formattedBody,
let attributedString = try? NSMutableAttributedString(formattedBody, including: \.elementX) else {
return plainBody
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: attributedString.length)
attributedString.enumerateAttributes(in: range) { attributes, range, _ in
if let userID = attributes[.MatrixUserID] as? String {
if let displayName = context.viewState.members[userID]?.displayName {
attributedString.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: "@\(displayName)")
} else {
attributedString.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: userID)
if attributes[.MatrixAllUsersMention] as? Bool == true {
attributedString.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: PillConstants.atRoom)
return attributedString.string
var body: some View {
HStack(spacing: 8) {
.frame(width: imageContainerSize, height: imageContainerSize)
.cornerRadius(icon?.cornerRadii ?? 0.0, corners: .allCorners)
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
Text(sender.displayName ?? sender.id)
.accessibilityLabel(L10n.commonInReplyTo(sender.displayName ?? sender.id))
.padding(.leading, isTextOnly ? 8 : 0)
.padding(.trailing, 8)
private var iconView: some View {
if let icon {
switch icon.kind {
case .mediaSource(let mediaSource):
LoadableImage(mediaSource: mediaSource,
size: .init(width: imageContainerSize,
height: imageContainerSize),
imageProvider: context.imageProvider) {
Image(systemName: "photo")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
case .systemIcon(let systemIconName):
Image(systemName: systemIconName)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
case .iconAsset(let asset):
Image(asset: asset)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
case .icon(let keyPath):
CompoundIcon(keyPath, size: .small, relativeTo: .body)
struct TimelineReplyView_Previews: PreviewProvider, TestablePreview {
static let viewModel = RoomScreenViewModel.mock
static let attributedStringWithMention = {
var attributedString = AttributedString("To be replaced")
attributedString.userID = "@alice:matrix.org"
return attributedString
static let attributedStringWithAtRoomMention = {
var attributedString = AttributedString("to be replaced")
attributedString.allUsersMention = true
return attributedString
static var previewItems: [TimelineReplyView] {
let imageSource = MediaSourceProxy(url: "https://mock.com", mimeType: "image/png")
return [
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline, timelineItemReplyDetails: .notLoaded(eventID: "")),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline, timelineItemReplyDetails: .loading(eventID: "")),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .text(.init(body: "This is a reply")))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .emote(.init(body: "says hello")))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Bob"),
contentType: .notice(.init(body: "Hello world")))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .audio(.init(body: "Some audio",
duration: 0,
waveform: nil,
source: nil,
contentType: nil)))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .file(.init(body: "Some file",
source: nil,
thumbnailSource: nil,
contentType: nil)))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .image(.init(body: "Some image",
source: imageSource,
thumbnailSource: imageSource)))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .video(.init(body: "Some video",
duration: 0,
source: nil,
thumbnailSource: imageSource)))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .location(.init(body: "")))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Alice"),
contentType: .voice(.init(body: "Some voice message",
duration: 0,
waveform: nil,
source: nil,
contentType: nil)))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Bob"),
contentType: .notice(.init(body: "", formattedBody: attributedStringWithMention)))),
TimelineReplyView(placement: .timeline,
timelineItemReplyDetails: .loaded(sender: .init(id: "", displayName: "Bob"),
contentType: .notice(.init(body: "", formattedBody: attributedStringWithAtRoomMention))))
static var previews: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 20) {
ForEach(0..<previewItems.count, id: \.self) { index in