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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import CallKit
import Intents
import MatrixRustSDK
import UserNotifications
// The lifecycle of the NSE looks something like the following:
// 1) App receives notification
// 2) System creates an instance of the extension class
// and calls `didReceive` in the background
// 3) Extension processes messages / displays whatever
// notifications it needs to
// 4) Extension notifies its work is complete by calling
// the contentHandler
// 5) If the extension takes too long to perform its work
// (more than 30s), it will be notified and immediately
// terminated
// Note that the NSE does *not* always spawn a new process to
// handle a new notification and will also try and process notifications
// in parallel. `didReceive` could be called twice for the same process,
// but it will always be called on different threads. It may or may not be
// called on the same instance of `NotificationService` as a previous
// notification.
// We keep a global `environment` singleton to ensure that our app context,
// database, logging, etc. are only ever setup once per *process*
private let settings: CommonSettingsProtocol = AppSettings()
private let notificationContentBuilder = NotificationContentBuilder(messageEventStringBuilder: RoomMessageEventStringBuilder(attributedStringBuilder: AttributedStringBuilder(mentionBuilder: PlainMentionBuilder()), destination: .notification),
settings: settings)
private let keychainController = KeychainController(service: .sessions,
accessGroup: InfoPlistReader.main.keychainAccessGroupIdentifier)
class NotificationServiceExtension: UNNotificationServiceExtension {
private var handler: ((UNNotificationContent) -> Void)?
private var modifiedContent: UNMutableNotificationContent?
private let appHooks = AppHooks()
// Used to create one single UserSession across process/instances/runs
private static let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "io.element.elementx.nse")
// Temporary. We need to make sure the NSE and the main app pass in the same value.
// The NSE has a tendency of staying alive for longer so use this to manually kill it
// when the feature flag doesn't match.
private static var eventCacheEnabled = false
private static var userSession: NSEUserSession? {
didSet {
eventCacheEnabled = settings.eventCacheEnabled
deinit {
ExtensionLogger.logMemory(with: tag)
MXLog.info("\(tag) deinit")
override func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest,
withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
guard !DataProtectionManager.isDeviceLockedAfterReboot(containerURL: URL.appGroupContainerDirectory),
let roomID = request.roomID,
let eventID = request.eventID,
let clientID = request.pusherNotificationClientIdentifier,
let credentials = keychainController.restorationTokens().first(where: { $0.restorationToken.pusherNotificationClientIdentifier == clientID }) else {
// We cannot process this notification, it might be due to one of these:
// - Device rebooted and locked
// - Not a Matrix notification
// - User is not signed in
// - NotificationID could not be resolved
return contentHandler(request.content)
handler = contentHandler
modifiedContent = request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent
ExtensionLogger.configure(currentTarget: "nse", logLevel: settings.logLevel)
MXLog.info("\(tag) #########################################")
ExtensionLogger.logMemory(with: tag)
MXLog.info("\(tag) Payload came: \(request.content.userInfo)")
Self.serialQueue.sync {
// If the session directories have changed, the user has logged out and back in (even if they entered the same user ID).
// We can't do this comparison with the access token of the existing session here due to token refresh when using OIDC.
if Self.userSession == nil || Self.userSession?.sessionDirectories != credentials.restorationToken.sessionDirectories {
// This function might be run concurrently and from different processes
// It's imperative that we create **at most** one UserSession/Client per process
Task.synchronous { [appHooks] in
do {
Self.userSession = try await NSEUserSession(credentials: credentials,
clientSessionDelegate: keychainController,
appHooks: appHooks,
appSettings: settings)
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed creating user session with error: \(error)")
if Self.userSession == nil {
return discard(unreadCount: request.unreadCount)
guard Self.eventCacheEnabled == settings.eventCacheEnabled else {
MXLog.error("Found missmatch `eventCacheEnabled` feature flag missmatch, restarting the NSE.")
Task {
await run(with: credentials,
roomID: roomID,
eventID: eventID,
unreadCount: request.unreadCount)
override func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() {
// Called just before the extension will be terminated by the system.
// Use this as an opportunity to deliver your "best attempt" at modified content, otherwise the original push payload will be used.
MXLog.warning("\(tag) serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire")
notify(unreadCount: nil)
// MARK: - Private
private func run(with credentials: KeychainCredentials,
roomID: String,
eventID: String,
unreadCount: Int?) async {
MXLog.info("\(tag) run with roomId: \(roomID), eventId: \(eventID)")
guard let userSession = Self.userSession else {
MXLog.error("Invalid NSE User Session, discarding.")
return discard(unreadCount: unreadCount)
do {
guard let itemProxy = await userSession.notificationItemProxy(roomID: roomID, eventID: eventID) else {
MXLog.info("\(tag) no notification for the event, discard")
return discard(unreadCount: unreadCount)
switch await preprocessNotification(itemProxy) {
case .processedShouldDiscard, .unsupportedShouldDiscard:
return discard(unreadCount: unreadCount)
case .shouldDisplay:
// After the first processing, update the modified content
modifiedContent = try await notificationContentBuilder.content(for: itemProxy, mediaProvider: nil)
guard itemProxy.hasMedia else {
MXLog.info("\(tag) no media needed")
// We've processed the item and no media operations needed, so no need to go further
return notify(unreadCount: unreadCount)
MXLog.info("\(tag) process with media")
// There is some media to load, process it again
if let latestContent = try? await notificationContentBuilder.content(for: itemProxy, mediaProvider: userSession.mediaProvider) {
// Processing finished, hopefully with some media
modifiedContent = latestContent
// We still notify, but without the media attachment if it fails to load
return notify(unreadCount: unreadCount)
} catch {
MXLog.error("NSE run error: \(error)")
return discard(unreadCount: unreadCount)
private func notify(unreadCount: Int?) {
MXLog.info("\(tag) notify")
guard let modifiedContent else {
MXLog.info("\(tag) notify: no modified content")
return discard(unreadCount: unreadCount)
if let unreadCount {
modifiedContent.badge = NSNumber(value: unreadCount)
private func discard(unreadCount: Int?) {
MXLog.info("\(tag) discard")
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
if let unreadCount {
content.badge = NSNumber(value: unreadCount)
private var tag: String {
private func cleanUp() {
handler = nil
modifiedContent = nil
private func preprocessNotification(_ itemProxy: NotificationItemProxyProtocol) async -> NotificationProcessingResult {
guard case let .timeline(event) = itemProxy.event else {
return .shouldDisplay
switch try? event.eventType() {
case .messageLike(let content):
switch content {
case .poll,
return .shouldDisplay
case .roomMessage(let messageType, _):
switch messageType {
case .emote, .image, .audio, .video, .file, .notice, .text, .location:
return .shouldDisplay
case .other:
return .unsupportedShouldDiscard
case .roomRedaction(let redactedEventID, _):
guard let redactedEventID else {
MXLog.error("Unable to handle redact notification due to missing event ID.")
return .processedShouldDiscard
let deliveredNotifications = await UNUserNotificationCenter.current().deliveredNotifications()
if let targetNotification = deliveredNotifications.first(where: { $0.request.content.eventID == redactedEventID }) {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().removeDeliveredNotifications(withIdentifiers: [targetNotification.request.identifier])
return .processedShouldDiscard
case .callNotify(let notifyType):
return await handleCallNotification(notifyType: notifyType,
timestamp: event.timestamp(),
roomID: itemProxy.roomID,
roomDisplayName: itemProxy.roomDisplayName)
case .callAnswer,
return .unsupportedShouldDiscard
case .state:
return .unsupportedShouldDiscard
case .none:
return .unsupportedShouldDiscard
/// Handle incoming call notifications.
/// - Returns: A boolean indicating whether the notification was handled and should now be discarded.
private func handleCallNotification(notifyType: NotifyType,
timestamp: Timestamp,
roomID: String,
roomDisplayName: String) async -> NotificationProcessingResult {
// Handle incoming VoIP calls, show the native OS call screen
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/callkit/sending-end-to-end-encrypted-voip-calls
// The way this works is the following:
// - the NSE receives the notification and decrypts it
// - checks if it's still time relevant (max 10 seconds old) and whether it should ring
// - otherwise it goes on to show it as a normal notification
// - if it should ring then it discards the notification but invokes `reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload`
// so that the main app can handle it
// - the main app picks this up in `PKPushRegistry.didReceiveIncomingPushWith` and
// `CXProvider.reportNewIncomingCall` to show the system UI and handle actions on it.
// N.B. this flow works properly only when background processing capabilities are enabled
guard notifyType == .ring else {
MXLog.info("Non-ringing call notification, handling as push notification")
return .shouldDisplay
let timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(timestamp / 1000))
guard abs(timestamp.timeIntervalSinceNow) < ElementCallServiceNotificationDiscardDelta else {
MXLog.info("Call notification is too old, handling as push notification")
return .shouldDisplay
let payload = [ElementCallServiceNotificationKey.roomID.rawValue: roomID,
ElementCallServiceNotificationKey.roomDisplayName.rawValue: roomDisplayName]
do {
try await CXProvider.reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload(payload)
MXLog.info("Call notification delegated to CallKit")
} catch {
MXLog.error("Failed reporting voip call with error: \(error). Handling as push notification")
return .shouldDisplay
return .processedShouldDiscard
private enum NotificationProcessingResult {
case shouldDisplay
case processedShouldDiscard
case unsupportedShouldDiscard
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/77300959/730924
private extension Task where Failure == Error {
/// Performs an async task in a sync context.
/// - Note: This function blocks the thread until the given operation is finished. The caller is responsible for managing multithreading.
static func synchronous(priority: TaskPriority? = nil, operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> Success) {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
Task(priority: priority) {
defer { semaphore.signal() }
return try await operation()