Doug 56a9820ded
Add remaining iOS 17 introspections. (#1806)
* Update compound.

* Update Ruby gems.

* Skip smudging in Fastlane.

* Link Git LFS for Xcode in setup-project.
2023-09-29 17:29:27 +01:00

50 lines
1.5 KiB

import ArgumentParser
import Foundation
struct SetupProject: ParsableCommand {
static var configuration = CommandConfiguration(abstract: "A tool to setup the required components to efficiently run and contribute to Element X iOS")
@Flag(help: "Use this only on ci to avoid installing failing packages")
var ci = false
func run() throws {
try setupGitHooks()
try brewBundleInstall()
try mintPackagesInstall()
try linkGitLFS()
try xcodegen()
func setupGitHooks() throws {
try Utilities.zsh("git config core.hooksPath .githooks")
func brewBundleInstall() throws {
try Utilities.zsh("brew install xcodegen swiftgen swiftformat git-lfs sourcery mint kiliankoe/formulae/swift-outdated localazy/tools/localazy")
if !ci {
try Utilities.zsh("brew install swiftlint")
func mintPackagesInstall() throws {
try Utilities.zsh("mint install Asana/locheck")
func linkGitLFS() throws {
guard let gitPath = try Utilities.zsh("git --exec-path")?.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: "") else { return }
let lfsPath = URL(fileURLWithPath: gitPath).appendingPathComponent("git-lfs").path
guard !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: lfsPath) else {
print("Git LFS already linked.")
try Utilities.zsh("ln -s \"$(which git-lfs)\" \"\(lfsPath)\"")
func xcodegen() throws {
try Utilities.zsh("xcodegen")