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synced 2025-03-11 13:59:13 +00:00

* Store RoomInfo updates in JoinedRoomProxy and read from them directly. * Remove all RoomProxy properties that were reading from the RoomInfo.
381 lines
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381 lines
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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import SwiftUI
typealias RoomDetailsScreenViewModelType = StateStoreViewModel<RoomDetailsScreenViewState, RoomDetailsScreenViewAction>
class RoomDetailsScreenViewModel: RoomDetailsScreenViewModelType, RoomDetailsScreenViewModelProtocol {
private let roomProxy: JoinedRoomProxyProtocol
private let clientProxy: ClientProxyProtocol
private let analyticsService: AnalyticsService
private let mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol
private let userIndicatorController: UserIndicatorControllerProtocol
private let notificationSettingsProxy: NotificationSettingsProxyProtocol
private let attributedStringBuilder: AttributedStringBuilderProtocol
private let appSettings: AppSettings
private var dmRecipient: RoomMemberProxyProtocol?
private var pinnedEventsTimelineProvider: RoomTimelineProviderProtocol? {
didSet {
guard let pinnedEventsTimelineProvider else {
state.pinnedEventsActionState = .loaded(numberOfItems: pinnedEventsTimelineProvider.itemProxies.filter(\.isEvent).count)
// When pinning or unpinning an item, the timeline might return empty for a short while, so we need to debounce it to prevent weird UI behaviours like the banner disappearing
.debounce(for: .milliseconds(100), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] updatedItems, _ in
self?.state.pinnedEventsActionState = .loaded(numberOfItems: updatedItems.filter(\.isEvent).count)
.store(in: &cancellables)
private var actionsSubject: PassthroughSubject<RoomDetailsScreenViewModelAction, Never> = .init()
var actions: AnyPublisher<RoomDetailsScreenViewModelAction, Never> {
init(roomProxy: JoinedRoomProxyProtocol,
clientProxy: ClientProxyProtocol,
mediaProvider: MediaProviderProtocol,
analyticsService: AnalyticsService,
userIndicatorController: UserIndicatorControllerProtocol,
notificationSettingsProxy: NotificationSettingsProxyProtocol,
attributedStringBuilder: AttributedStringBuilderProtocol,
appMediator: AppMediatorProtocol,
appSettings: AppSettings) {
self.roomProxy = roomProxy
self.clientProxy = clientProxy
self.mediaProvider = mediaProvider
self.analyticsService = analyticsService
self.userIndicatorController = userIndicatorController
self.notificationSettingsProxy = notificationSettingsProxy
self.attributedStringBuilder = attributedStringBuilder
self.appSettings = appSettings
let topic = attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(roomProxy.infoPublisher.value.topic)
super.init(initialViewState: .init(details: roomProxy.details,
isEncrypted: roomProxy.isEncrypted,
isDirect: roomProxy.infoPublisher.value.isDirect,
topic: topic,
topicSummary: topic?.unattributedStringByReplacingNewlinesWithSpaces(),
joinedMembersCount: roomProxy.infoPublisher.value.joinedMembersCount,
notificationSettingsState: .loading,
bindings: .init()),
mediaProvider: mediaProvider)
.filter { $0 == .reachable }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] _ in
.store(in: &cancellables)
Task {
let userID = roomProxy.ownUserID
if case let .success(permission) = await roomProxy.canUserJoinCall(userID: userID) {
state.canJoinCall = permission
Task {
if case let .success(permalinkURL) = await roomProxy.matrixToPermalink() {
state.permalink = permalinkURL
Task { await updatePowerLevelPermissions() }
Task { await fetchMembersIfNeeded() }
// MARK: - Public
func stop() {
// Work around QLPreviewController dismissal issues, see the InteractiveQuickLookModifier.
state.bindings.mediaPreviewItem = nil
override func process(viewAction: RoomDetailsScreenViewAction) {
switch viewAction {
case .processTapPeople:
case .processTapInvite:
case .processTapLeave:
guard state.joinedMembersCount > 1 else {
state.bindings.leaveRoomAlertItem = LeaveRoomAlertItem(roomID: roomProxy.id, isDM: roomProxy.isEncryptedOneToOneRoom, state: .empty)
state.bindings.leaveRoomAlertItem = LeaveRoomAlertItem(roomID: roomProxy.id,
isDM: roomProxy.isEncryptedOneToOneRoom,
state: roomProxy.infoPublisher.value.isPublic ? .public : .private)
case .confirmLeave:
Task { await leaveRoom() }
case .processTapIgnore:
state.bindings.ignoreUserRoomAlertItem = .init(action: .ignore)
case .processTapUnignore:
state.bindings.ignoreUserRoomAlertItem = .init(action: .unignore)
case .processTapEdit, .processTapAddTopic:
case .ignoreConfirmed:
Task { await ignore() }
case .unignoreConfirmed:
Task { await unignore() }
case .processTapNotifications:
if state.notificationSettingsState.isError {
} else {
case .processToggleMuteNotifications:
Task { await toggleMuteNotifications() }
case .displayAvatar(let url):
case .processTapPolls:
case .toggleFavourite(let isFavourite):
Task { await toggleFavourite(isFavourite) }
case .processTapRolesAndPermissions:
case .processTapCall:
case .processTapPinnedEvents:
analyticsService.trackInteraction(name: .PinnedMessageRoomInfoButton)
// MARK: - Private
private func setupRoomSubscription() {
.throttle(for: .milliseconds(200), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main, latest: true)
.sink { [weak self] roomInfo in
Task { await self?.updatePowerLevelPermissions() }
.store(in: &cancellables)
private func updateRoomInfo(_ roomInfo: RoomInfoProxy) {
state.details = roomProxy.details
let topic = attributedStringBuilder.fromPlain(roomInfo.topic)
state.topic = topic
state.topicSummary = topic?.unattributedStringByReplacingNewlinesWithSpaces()
state.joinedMembersCount = roomInfo.joinedMembersCount
state.bindings.isFavourite = roomInfo.isFavourite
private func fetchMembersIfNeeded() async {
// We need to fetch members just in 1-to-1 chat to get the member object for the other person
guard roomProxy.isEncryptedOneToOneRoom else {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self, ownUserID = roomProxy.ownUserID] members in
guard let self else { return }
let accountOwner = members.first(where: { $0.userID == ownUserID })
let dmRecipient = members.first(where: { $0.userID != ownUserID })
self.dmRecipient = dmRecipient
self.state.dmRecipient = dmRecipient.map(RoomMemberDetails.init(withProxy:))
self.state.accountOwner = accountOwner.map(RoomMemberDetails.init(withProxy:))
.store(in: &cancellables)
await roomProxy.updateMembers()
private func updatePowerLevelPermissions() async {
state.canEditRoomName = await (try? roomProxy.canUser(userID: roomProxy.ownUserID, sendStateEvent: .roomName).get()) == true
state.canEditRoomTopic = await (try? roomProxy.canUser(userID: roomProxy.ownUserID, sendStateEvent: .roomTopic).get()) == true
state.canEditRoomAvatar = await (try? roomProxy.canUser(userID: roomProxy.ownUserID, sendStateEvent: .roomAvatar).get()) == true
state.canEditRolesOrPermissions = await (try? roomProxy.suggestedRole(for: roomProxy.ownUserID).get()) == .administrator
state.canInviteUsers = await (try? roomProxy.canUserInvite(userID: roomProxy.ownUserID).get()) == true
private func setupNotificationSettingsSubscription() {
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink { [weak self] callback in
guard let self else { return }
switch callback {
case .settingsDidChange:
.store(in: &cancellables)
private func fetchNotificationSettings() {
Task {
await fetchRoomNotificationSettings()
private func fetchRoomNotificationSettings() async {
do {
let notificationMode = try await notificationSettingsProxy.getNotificationSettings(roomId: roomProxy.id,
isEncrypted: roomProxy.isEncrypted,
isOneToOne: roomProxy.infoPublisher.value.activeMembersCount == 2)
state.notificationSettingsState = .loaded(settings: notificationMode)
} catch {
state.notificationSettingsState = .error
state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: .alert,
title: L10n.commonError,
message: L10n.screenRoomDetailsErrorLoadingNotificationSettings)
private func toggleMuteNotifications() async {
guard case .loaded(let notificationMode) = state.notificationSettingsState else { return }
state.isProcessingMuteToggleAction = true
switch notificationMode.mode {
case .mute:
do {
try await notificationSettingsProxy.unmuteRoom(roomId: roomProxy.id,
isEncrypted: roomProxy.isEncrypted,
isOneToOne: roomProxy.infoPublisher.value.activeMembersCount == 2)
} catch {
state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: .alert,
title: L10n.commonError,
message: L10n.screenRoomDetailsErrorUnmuting)
do {
try await notificationSettingsProxy.setNotificationMode(roomId: roomProxy.id, mode: .mute)
} catch {
state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: .alert,
title: L10n.commonError,
message: L10n.screenRoomDetailsErrorMuting)
state.isProcessingMuteToggleAction = false
private func toggleFavourite(_ isFavourite: Bool) async {
if case let .failure(error) = await roomProxy.flagAsFavourite(isFavourite) {
MXLog.error("Failed flagging room as favourite with error: \(error)")
state.bindings.isFavourite = !isFavourite
} else {
analyticsService.trackInteraction(name: .MobileRoomFavouriteToggle)
private static let leaveRoomLoadingID = "LeaveRoomLoading"
private func leaveRoom() async {
userIndicatorController.submitIndicator(UserIndicator(id: Self.leaveRoomLoadingID, type: .modal, title: L10n.commonLeavingRoom, persistent: true))
let result = await roomProxy.leaveRoom()
switch result {
case .failure:
state.bindings.alertInfo = AlertInfo(id: .unknown)
case .success:
private func ignore() async {
guard let dmUserID = dmRecipient?.userID else {
MXLog.error("Attempting to ignore a nil DM Recipient")
state.bindings.alertInfo = .init(id: .unknown)
state.isProcessingIgnoreRequest = true
let result = await clientProxy.ignoreUser(dmUserID)
state.isProcessingIgnoreRequest = false
switch result {
case .success:
// Mutating the optional in place when built for Release crashes 🤷♂️
var dmRecipient = state.dmRecipient
dmRecipient?.isIgnored = true
state.dmRecipient = dmRecipient
case .failure:
state.bindings.alertInfo = .init(id: .unknown)
private func unignore() async {
guard let dmUserID = dmRecipient?.userID else {
MXLog.error("Attempting to unignore a nil DM Recipient")
state.bindings.alertInfo = .init(id: .unknown)
state.isProcessingIgnoreRequest = true
let result = await clientProxy.unignoreUser(dmUserID)
state.isProcessingIgnoreRequest = false
switch result {
case .success:
// Mutating the optional in place when built for Release crashes 🤷♂️
var dmRecipient = state.dmRecipient
dmRecipient?.isIgnored = false
state.dmRecipient = dmRecipient
case .failure:
state.bindings.alertInfo = .init(id: .unknown)
private func displayFullScreenAvatar(_ url: URL) {
let loadingIndicatorIdentifier = "roomAvatarLoadingIndicator"
userIndicatorController.submitIndicator(UserIndicator(id: loadingIndicatorIdentifier, type: .modal, title: L10n.commonLoading, persistent: true))
Task {
defer {
// We don't actually know the mime type here, assume it's an image.
if case let .success(file) = await mediaProvider.loadFileFromSource(.init(url: url, mimeType: "image/jpeg")) {
state.bindings.mediaPreviewItem = MediaPreviewItem(file: file, title: roomProxy.infoPublisher.value.displayName)
private func setupPinnedEventsTimelineProviderIfNeeded() {
guard pinnedEventsTimelineProvider == nil else {
Task {
guard let timelineProvider = await roomProxy.pinnedEventsTimeline?.timelineProvider else {
if pinnedEventsTimelineProvider == nil {
pinnedEventsTimelineProvider = timelineProvider
private extension AttributedString {
/// Returns a new string without attributes and in which newlines are replaced with spaces
func unattributedStringByReplacingNewlinesWithSpaces() -> AttributedString {
AttributedString(characters.map { $0.isNewline ? " " : $0 })