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* New LICENSE-COMMERCIAL file * Apply dual licenses: AGPL + Element Commercial to file headers * Update README with dual licensing
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// Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import Foundation
import SwiftState
enum EncryptionSettingsFlowCoordinatorAction: Equatable {
/// The flow is complete.
case complete
struct EncryptionSettingsFlowCoordinatorParameters {
let userSession: UserSessionProtocol
let appSettings: AppSettings
let userIndicatorController: UserIndicatorControllerProtocol
let navigationStackCoordinator: NavigationStackCoordinator
class EncryptionSettingsFlowCoordinator: FlowCoordinatorProtocol {
private let userSession: UserSessionProtocol
private let appSettings: AppSettings
private let userIndicatorController: UserIndicatorControllerProtocol
private let navigationStackCoordinator: NavigationStackCoordinator
// periphery:ignore - retaining purpose
private var encryptionResetFlowCoordinator: EncryptionResetFlowCoordinator?
enum State: StateType {
/// The state machine hasn't started.
case initial
/// The root screen for this flow.
case secureBackupScreen
/// The user is managing their recovery key.
case recoveryKeyScreen
/// The user is disabling key backups.
case keyBackupScreen
enum Event: EventType {
/// The flow is being started.
case start
/// The user would like to manage their recovery key.
case manageRecoveryKey
/// The user finished managing their recovery key.
case finishedManagingRecoveryKey
/// The user doesn't want to use key backup any more.
case disableKeyBackup
/// The key backup screen was dismissed.
case finishedDisablingKeyBackup
private let stateMachine: StateMachine<State, Event>
private var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
private let actionsSubject: PassthroughSubject<EncryptionSettingsFlowCoordinatorAction, Never> = .init()
var actionsPublisher: AnyPublisher<EncryptionSettingsFlowCoordinatorAction, Never> {
init(parameters: EncryptionSettingsFlowCoordinatorParameters) {
userSession = parameters.userSession
appSettings = parameters.appSettings
userIndicatorController = parameters.userIndicatorController
navigationStackCoordinator = parameters.navigationStackCoordinator
stateMachine = .init(state: .initial)
func start() {
func handleAppRoute(_ appRoute: AppRoute, animated: Bool) {
switch appRoute {
case .roomList, .room, .roomAlias, .childRoom, .childRoomAlias,
.roomDetails, .roomMemberDetails, .userProfile,
.event, .eventOnRoomAlias, .childEvent, .childEventOnRoomAlias,
.call, .genericCallLink, .settings, .share:
// These routes aren't in this flow so clear the entire stack.
clearRoute(animated: animated)
case .chatBackupSettings:
popToRootScreen(animated: animated)
func clearRoute(animated: Bool) {
let fromState = stateMachine.state
popToRootScreen(animated: animated)
guard fromState != .initial else { return }
navigationStackCoordinator.pop(animated: animated) // SecureBackup screen.
func popToRootScreen(animated: Bool) {
// As we push screens on top of an existing stack, a literal pop to root wouldn't be safe.
switch stateMachine.state {
case .initial, .secureBackupScreen:
case .recoveryKeyScreen:
navigationStackCoordinator.setSheetCoordinator(nil, animated: animated) // RecoveryKey screen.
case .keyBackupScreen:
navigationStackCoordinator.setSheetCoordinator(nil, animated: animated) // KeyBackup screen.
// MARK: - Private
private func configureStateMachine() {
stateMachine.addRoutes(event: .start, transitions: [.initial => .secureBackupScreen]) { [weak self] _ in
stateMachine.addRoutes(event: .manageRecoveryKey, transitions: [.secureBackupScreen => .recoveryKeyScreen]) { [weak self] _ in
stateMachine.addRoutes(event: .finishedManagingRecoveryKey, transitions: [.recoveryKeyScreen => .secureBackupScreen])
stateMachine.addRoutes(event: .disableKeyBackup, transitions: [.secureBackupScreen => .keyBackupScreen]) { [weak self] _ in
stateMachine.addRoutes(event: .finishedDisablingKeyBackup, transitions: [.keyBackupScreen => .secureBackupScreen])
stateMachine.addErrorHandler { context in
fatalError("Unexpected transition: \(context)")
private func presentSecureBackupScreen(animated: Bool = true) {
let coordinator = SecureBackupScreenCoordinator(parameters: .init(appSettings: appSettings,
clientProxy: userSession.clientProxy,
userIndicatorController: userIndicatorController))
coordinator.actions.sink { [weak self] action in
guard let self else { return }
switch action {
case .manageRecoveryKey:
case .disableKeyBackup:
.store(in: &cancellables)
navigationStackCoordinator.push(coordinator, animated: animated) { [weak self] in
private func presentRecoveryKeyScreen() {
let sheetNavigationStackCoordinator = NavigationStackCoordinator()
let coordinator = SecureBackupRecoveryKeyScreenCoordinator(parameters: .init(secureBackupController: userSession.clientProxy.secureBackupController,
userIndicatorController: userIndicatorController,
isModallyPresented: true))
coordinator.actions.sink { [weak self] action in
guard let self else { return }
switch action {
case .complete:
.store(in: &cancellables)
sheetNavigationStackCoordinator.setRootCoordinator(coordinator, animated: true)
navigationStackCoordinator.setSheetCoordinator(sheetNavigationStackCoordinator) { [stateMachine] in
private func presentKeyBackupScreen() {
let sheetNavigationStackCoordinator = NavigationStackCoordinator()
let coordinator = SecureBackupKeyBackupScreenCoordinator(parameters: .init(secureBackupController: userSession.clientProxy.secureBackupController,
userIndicatorController: userIndicatorController))
coordinator.actions.sink { [weak self] action in
switch action {
case .done:
.store(in: &cancellables)
sheetNavigationStackCoordinator.setRootCoordinator(coordinator, animated: true)
navigationStackCoordinator.setSheetCoordinator(sheetNavigationStackCoordinator) { [stateMachine] in