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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import XCTest
@testable import ElementX
class AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
var appLockService: AppLockService!
var keychainController: KeychainControllerMock!
var viewModel: AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModelProtocol!
var context: AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModelType.Context { viewModel.context }
override func setUp() {
keychainController = KeychainControllerMock()
appLockService = AppLockService(keychainController: keychainController, appSettings: AppSettings())
override func tearDown() {
func testCreatePIN() async throws {
// Given the screen in create mode.
viewModel = AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModel(initialMode: .create, isMandatory: false, appLockService: appLockService)
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.mode, .create, "The mode should start as creation.")
// When entering an new PIN.
let createDeferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState, message: "A valid PIN needs confirming.") { $0.mode == .confirm }
context.pinCode = "2023"
try await createDeferred.fulfill()
// Then the screen should transition to the confirm mode.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.mode, .confirm, "The mode should transition to confirmation.")
// When re-entering that PIN.
let confirmDeferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actions, message: "The screen should be finished.") { $0 == .complete }
context.pinCode = "2023"
// Then the screen should signal it is complete.
try await confirmDeferred.fulfill()
func testCreateWeakPIN() async throws {
// Given the screen in create mode.
viewModel = AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModel(initialMode: .create, isMandatory: false, appLockService: appLockService)
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.mode, .create, "The mode should start as creation.")
XCTAssertNil(context.alertInfo, "There shouldn't be an alert to begin with.")
// When entering a weak PIN on the blocklist.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState) { $0.bindings.alertInfo != nil }
context.pinCode = "0000"
try await deferred.fulfill()
// Then the PIN should be rejected and the user alerted.
XCTAssertEqual(context.alertInfo?.id, .weakPIN, "The weak PIN should be rejected.")
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.mode, .create, "The mode shouldn't transition after an invalid PIN code.")
func testCreatePINMismatch() async throws {
// Given the confirm mode after entering a new PIN.
viewModel = AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModel(initialMode: .create, isMandatory: false, appLockService: appLockService)
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.mode, .create, "The mode should start as creation.")
XCTAssertNil(context.alertInfo, "There shouldn't be an alert to begin with.")
let createDeferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState, message: "A valid PIN needs confirming.") { $0.mode == .confirm }
context.pinCode = "2023"
try await createDeferred.fulfill()
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.mode, .confirm, "The mode should transition to confirmation.")
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.numberOfConfirmAttempts, 0, "The mode should start with zero attempts.")
XCTAssertNil(context.alertInfo, "There shouldn't be an alert after a valid initial PIN.")
// When entering the new PIN incorrectly
var deferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState) { $0.numberOfConfirmAttempts == 1 }
context.pinCode = "2024"
try await deferred.fulfill()
// Then the user should be alerted.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.numberOfConfirmAttempts, 1, "The mismatch should be counted.")
XCTAssertEqual(context.alertInfo?.id, .pinMismatch, "A PIN mismatch should be rejected.")
// When dismissing the alert and repeating twice more.
deferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState) { $0.numberOfConfirmAttempts == 2 }
context.pinCode = "2024"
try await deferred.fulfill()
deferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState) { $0.numberOfConfirmAttempts == 3 }
context.pinCode = "2024"
try await deferred.fulfill()
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.numberOfConfirmAttempts, 3, "All the mismatches should be counted.")
XCTAssertEqual(context.alertInfo?.id, .pinMismatch, "A PIN mismatch should be rejected.")
// Then tapping the alert button should reset back to create mode.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.mode, .create, "The mode should revert back to creation.")
func testUnlock() async throws {
// Given the screen in unlock mode.
viewModel = AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModel(initialMode: .unlock, isMandatory: false, appLockService: appLockService)
let pinCode = "2023"
keychainController.pinCodeReturnValue = pinCode
keychainController.containsPINCodeReturnValue = true
keychainController.containsPINCodeBiometricStateReturnValue = false
// When entering the configured PIN.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actions, message: "The screen should be finished.") { $0 == .complete }
context.pinCode = pinCode
// Then the screen should signal it is complete.
try await deferred.fulfill()
func testForgotPIN() async throws {
// Given the screen in unlock mode.
viewModel = AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModel(initialMode: .unlock, isMandatory: false, appLockService: appLockService)
XCTAssertNil(context.alertInfo, "There shouldn't be an alert to begin with.")
XCTAssertFalse(context.viewState.isLoggingOut, "The view should not start disabled.")
// When the user has forgotten their PIN.
context.send(viewAction: .forgotPIN)
// Then an alert should be shown before logging out.
XCTAssertEqual(context.alertInfo?.id, .confirmResetPIN, "The weak PIN should be rejected.")
XCTAssertFalse(context.viewState.isLoggingOut, "The view should not be disabled until the user confirms.")
// When confirming the logout.
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actions) { $0 == .forceLogout }
// Then a force logout should be initiated.
try await deferred.fulfill()
XCTAssertTrue(context.viewState.isLoggingOut, "The view should become disabled.")
func testUnlockFailed() async throws {
// Given the screen in unlock mode.
viewModel = AppLockSetupPINScreenViewModel(initialMode: .unlock, isMandatory: false, appLockService: appLockService)
keychainController.pinCodeReturnValue = "2023"
keychainController.containsPINCodeReturnValue = true
keychainController.containsPINCodeBiometricStateReturnValue = false
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.numberOfUnlockAttempts, 0, "The screen should start with zero attempts.")
XCTAssertFalse(context.viewState.isSubtitleWarning, "The subtitle should start without a warning.")
XCTAssertFalse(context.viewState.isLoggingOut, "The view should not start disabled.")
// When entering a different PIN.
var deferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState, keyPath: \.bindings.pinCode, transitionValues: ["", "2024", ""],
message: "The PIN should be entered and then cleared by the view model.")
context.pinCode = "2024"
try await deferred.fulfill()
// Then the PIN should be rejected and the user notified.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.numberOfUnlockAttempts, 1, "An invalid attempt should be counted.")
XCTAssertTrue(context.viewState.isSubtitleWarning, "The subtitle should then show a warning.")
XCTAssertFalse(context.viewState.isLoggingOut, "The view should still work.")
// When entering the same incorrect PIN twice more
deferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState, keyPath: \.bindings.pinCode, transitionValues: ["", "2024", ""],
message: "The PIN should be entered and then cleared by the view model.")
context.pinCode = "2024"
try await deferred.fulfill()
deferred = deferFulfillment(context.$viewState, keyPath: \.bindings.pinCode, transitionValues: ["", "2024", ""],
message: "The PIN should be entered and then cleared by the view model.")
context.pinCode = "2024"
try await deferred.fulfill()
// Then the user should be alerted that they're being signed out.
XCTAssertEqual(context.viewState.numberOfUnlockAttempts, 3, "All invalid attempts should be counted.")
XCTAssertTrue(context.viewState.isSubtitleWarning, "The subtitle should continue showing a warning.")
XCTAssertEqual(context.alertInfo?.id, .forceLogout, "An alert should be shown about a force logout.")
XCTAssertTrue(context.viewState.isLoggingOut, "The view should become disabled.")