Mauro 45a630dd85
Implement Knock Logic (#3573)
* WIP RequestToJoin struct

* implemented the logic to display the cells

* knock request banner accept flow

* mark all knocks as seen implemented

* details logic

* implemented accept, decline and ban in the list

* added a loader and modified the stacked view

of the banner

* pr suggestions

* updated naming and loading strings

* added the initial loading state

improved code and the tests

* updated a string that has changed

* code improvement

* tests for the room screen view model

* room details tests

and improved the knock requests tests for the room screen

* knock requests list tests

* added error state alerts with retry

* struct has been renamed on the sdk

so I renamed it also on the app side

* update SDK
2024-12-16 15:32:45 +01:00

260 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import Foundation
enum RoomSummaryProviderMockConfigurationState {
case loading
case loaded([RoomSummary])
struct RoomSummaryProviderMockConfiguration {
var state: RoomSummaryProviderMockConfigurationState = .loading
extension RoomSummaryProviderMock {
convenience init(_ configuration: RoomSummaryProviderMockConfiguration) {
let initialRooms: [RoomSummary]
let roomListSubject: CurrentValueSubject<[RoomSummary], Never>
let stateSubject: CurrentValueSubject<RoomSummaryProviderState, Never>
switch configuration.state {
case .loading:
initialRooms = []
roomListSubject = .init(initialRooms)
stateSubject = .init(.notLoaded)
case .loaded(let rooms):
initialRooms = rooms
roomListSubject = .init(initialRooms)
stateSubject = .init(.loaded(totalNumberOfRooms: UInt(rooms.count)))
roomListPublisher = roomListSubject.asCurrentValuePublisher()
statePublisher = stateSubject.asCurrentValuePublisher()
setFilterClosure = { [initialRooms, roomListSubject] filter in
switch filter {
case let .search(query):
var rooms = initialRooms
if !query.isEmpty {
rooms = rooms.filter { $ }
case let .all(filters):
var rooms = initialRooms
if filters.count > 1 {
// for testing purpose chaining more than one filter will always return an empty state
rooms = []
} else if let filter = filters.first {
rooms = rooms.filter { filter == .people ? $0.isDirect : !$0.isDirect }
case .excludeAll:
extension Array where Element == RoomSummary {
static let mockRooms: [Element] = [
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "1",
knockRequestType: nil,
name: "Foundation 🔭🪐🌌",
isDirect: false,
avatarURL: nil,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: AttributedString("I do not wish to take the trouble to understand mysticism"),
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: "14:56",
unreadMessagesCount: 0,
unreadMentionsCount: 0,
unreadNotificationsCount: 0,
notificationMode: .allMessages,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: false,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false),
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "2",
knockRequestType: nil,
name: "Foundation and Empire",
isDirect: false,
avatarURL: .mockMXCAvatar,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: AttributedString("How do you see the Emperor then? You think he keeps office hours?"),
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: "2:56 PM",
unreadMessagesCount: 2,
unreadMentionsCount: 0,
unreadNotificationsCount: 2,
notificationMode: .mute,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: false,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false),
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "3",
knockRequestType: nil,
name: "Second Foundation",
isDirect: false,
avatarURL: nil,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: try? AttributedString(markdown: "He certainly seemed no *mental genius* to me"),
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: "Some time ago",
unreadMessagesCount: 3,
unreadMentionsCount: 0,
unreadNotificationsCount: 0,
notificationMode: .mentionsAndKeywordsOnly,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: false,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false),
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "4",
knockRequestType: nil,
name: "Foundation's Edge",
isDirect: false,
avatarURL: nil,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: AttributedString("There's an archaic measure of time that's called the month"),
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: "Just now",
unreadMessagesCount: 2,
unreadMentionsCount: 2,
unreadNotificationsCount: 2,
notificationMode: .allMessages,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: false,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false),
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "5",
knockRequestType: nil,
name: "Foundation and Earth",
isDirect: true,
avatarURL: nil,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: AttributedString("Clearly, if Earth is powerful enough to do that, it might also be capable of adjusting minds in order to force belief in its radioactivity"),
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: "1986",
unreadMessagesCount: 1,
unreadMentionsCount: 1,
unreadNotificationsCount: 1,
notificationMode: .allMessages,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: true,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false),
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "6",
knockRequestType: nil,
name: "Prelude to Foundation",
isDirect: true,
avatarURL: nil,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: AttributedString("Are you groping for the word 'paranoia'?"),
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: "きょうはじゅういちがつじゅういちにちです",
unreadMessagesCount: 6,
unreadMentionsCount: 0,
unreadNotificationsCount: 0,
notificationMode: .mute,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: true,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false),
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "0",
knockRequestType: nil,
name: "Unknown",
isDirect: false,
avatarURL: nil,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: nil,
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: nil,
unreadMessagesCount: 0,
unreadMentionsCount: 0,
unreadNotificationsCount: 0,
notificationMode: nil,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: false,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false)
static let mockRoomsWithNotificationsState: [Element] = {
var result: [Element] = []
// Iterate over settings modes
for mode in RoomNotificationModeProxy.allCases {
// Iterate over unread messages states
for hasUnreadMessages in [false, true] {
// Iterate over unread mentions states
for hasUnreadMentions in [false, true] {
// Iterate over unread notifications states
for hasUnreadNotifications in [false, true] {
// Incrementing id value for each combination
let id = result.count + 1
let room = RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "\(id)",
settingsMode: mode,
hasUnreadMessages: hasUnreadMessages,
hasUnreadMentions: hasUnreadMentions,
hasUnreadNotifications: hasUnreadNotifications)
return result
static let mockInvites: [Element] = [
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "someAwesomeRoomId1",
knockRequestType: .invite(inviter: RoomMemberProxyMock.mockCharlie),
name: "First room",
isDirect: false,
avatarURL: .mockMXCAvatar,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: nil,
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: nil,
unreadMessagesCount: 0,
unreadMentionsCount: 0,
unreadNotificationsCount: 0,
notificationMode: nil,
canonicalAlias: "",
hasOngoingCall: false,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false),
RoomSummary(roomListItem: RoomListItemSDKMock(),
id: "someAwesomeRoomId2",
knockRequestType: .invite(inviter: RoomMemberProxyMock.mockCharlie),
name: "Second room",
isDirect: true,
avatarURL: nil,
heroes: [],
lastMessage: nil,
lastMessageFormattedTimestamp: nil,
unreadMessagesCount: 0,
unreadMentionsCount: 0,
unreadNotificationsCount: 0,
notificationMode: nil,
canonicalAlias: nil,
hasOngoingCall: false,
isMarkedUnread: false,
isFavourite: false)