Stefan Ceriu 92eaa7075a
UI test cleanup (#2598)
* Stop running the UI tests on the double localized pseudolanguage

* Fix UI tests signalling comms problem because the json key ordering wasn't defined and the messages wouldn't match.

* Remove UI tests that are now the same as preview tests (i.e. non flow based, only screen based), fixed the rest so they run on iOS 17.2, the iPhone 15 and iPad 10th gen simulators.

* Remove unnecessary gitignore instructions, change UI test snapshot naming convention to be more similar to the unit test ones

* Enable derived data and spm checkout caching for UI tests

* Switch UI tests back to the perf-only runner, moved the integration tests to the iPhone 15 Pro simulator.

* Address PR comments
2024-03-25 17:34:11 +02:00

151 lines
5.4 KiB

// Copyright 2022 New Vector Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import XCTest
class RoomScreenUITests: XCTestCase {
func testPlainNoAvatar() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomPlainNoAvatar)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomPlainNoAvatar)
func testSmallTimelineLayout() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimeline)
// The messages should be bottom aligned.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimeline)
func testSmallTimelineWithIncomingAndPagination() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimelineIncomingAndSmallPagination)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// When a back pagination occurs and an incoming message arrives.
try await performOperation(.incomingMessage, using: client)
try await performOperation(.paginate, using: client)
// Then the 4 visible messages should stay aligned to the bottom.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimelineIncomingAndSmallPagination)
func testSmallTimelineWithLargePagination() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimelineLargePagination)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// When a large back pagination occurs.
try await performOperation(.paginate, using: client)
// The bottom of the timeline should remain visible with more items added above.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimelineLargePagination)
func testTimelineLayoutAtTop() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomLayoutTop)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// Given a timeline that is scrolled to the top.
for _ in 0...5 {
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutTop) // Assert initial state for comparison.
// When a back pagination occurs.
try await performOperation(.paginate, using: client)
// Then the bottom of the timeline should remain unchanged (with new items having been added above).
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutTop)
func testTimelineLayoutAtBottom() async throws {
let client = try UITestsSignalling.Client(mode: .tests)
let app = Application.launch(.roomLayoutBottom)
await client.waitForApp()
defer { try? client.stop() }
// Some time for the timeline to settle
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
// When an incoming message arrives.
try await performOperation(.incomingMessage, using: client)
// Some time for the timeline to settle
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
// Then the timeline should scroll down to reveal the message.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutBottom, step: 0)
// When the keyboard appears for the message composer.
try await tapMessageComposer(in: app)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomLayoutBottom, step: 1)
func testTimelineReadReceipts() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomSmallTimelineWithReadReceipts)
// The messages should be bottom aligned.
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomSmallTimelineWithReadReceipts)
func testTimelineDisclosedPolls() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomWithDisclosedPolls)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomWithDisclosedPolls)
func testTimelineUndisclosedPolls() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomWithUndisclosedPolls)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomWithUndisclosedPolls)
func testTimelineOutgoingPolls() async throws {
let app = Application.launch(.roomWithOutgoingPolls)
try await app.assertScreenshot(.roomWithOutgoingPolls)
// MARK: - Helper Methods
private func performOperation(_ operation: UITestsSignal.Timeline, using client: UITestsSignalling.Client) async throws {
try client.send(.timeline(operation))
await _ = client.signals.values.first { $0 == .success }
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2)) // Allow the timeline to update
private func tapMessageComposer(in app: XCUIApplication) async throws {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(10)) // Allow the animations to complete