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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
import XCTest
@testable import ElementX
class MediaUploadPreviewScreenViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
var timelineProxy: TimelineProxyMock!
var viewModel: MediaUploadPreviewScreenViewModel!
var context: MediaUploadPreviewScreenViewModel.Context { viewModel.context }
enum TestError: Swift.Error {
case unexpectedParameter
case unknown
override func setUp() {
let appSettings = AppSettings()
appSettings.optimizeMediaUploads = false
ServiceLocator.shared.register(appSettings: appSettings)
deinit {
func testImageUploadWithoutCaption() async throws {
setUpViewModel(url: imageURL, expectedCaption: nil)
context.caption = .init("")
try await send()
func testImageUploadWithBlankCaption() async throws {
setUpViewModel(url: imageURL, expectedCaption: nil)
context.caption = .init(" ")
try await send()
func testImageUploadWithCaption() async throws {
let caption = "This is a really great image!"
setUpViewModel(url: imageURL, expectedCaption: caption)
context.caption = .init(string: caption)
try await send()
func testVideoUploadWithoutCaption() async throws {
setUpViewModel(url: videoURL, expectedCaption: nil)
context.caption = .init("")
try await send()
func testVideoUploadWithCaption() async throws {
let caption = "Check out this video!"
setUpViewModel(url: videoURL, expectedCaption: caption)
context.caption = .init(string: caption)
try await send()
func testAudioUploadWithoutCaption() async throws {
setUpViewModel(url: audioURL, expectedCaption: nil)
context.caption = .init("")
try await send()
func testAudioUploadWithCaption() async throws {
let caption = "Listen to this!"
setUpViewModel(url: audioURL, expectedCaption: caption)
context.caption = .init(string: caption)
try await send()
func testFileUploadWithoutCaption() async throws {
setUpViewModel(url: fileURL, expectedCaption: nil)
context.caption = .init("")
try await send()
func testFileUploadWithCaption() async throws {
let caption = "Please will you check my article."
setUpViewModel(url: fileURL, expectedCaption: caption)
context.caption = .init(string: caption)
try await send()
// MARK: - Helpers
private var audioURL: URL { assertResourceURL(filename: "test_audio.mp3") }
private var fileURL: URL { assertResourceURL(filename: "test_pdf.pdf") }
private var imageURL: URL { assertResourceURL(filename: "test_animated_image.gif") }
private var videoURL: URL { assertResourceURL(filename: "landscape_test_video.mov") }
private func assertResourceURL(filename: String) -> URL {
guard let url = Bundle(for: Self.self).url(forResource: filename, withExtension: nil) else {
XCTFail("Failed retrieving test asset")
return .picturesDirectory
return url
private func setUpViewModel(url: URL, expectedCaption: String?) {
timelineProxy = TimelineProxyMock(.init())
timelineProxy.sendAudioUrlAudioInfoCaptionRequestHandleClosure = { [weak self] _, _, caption, _ in
self?.verifyCaption(caption, expectedCaption: expectedCaption) ?? .failure(.sdkError(TestError.unknown))
timelineProxy.sendFileUrlFileInfoCaptionRequestHandleClosure = { [weak self] _, _, caption, _ in
self?.verifyCaption(caption, expectedCaption: expectedCaption) ?? .failure(.sdkError(TestError.unknown))
timelineProxy.sendImageUrlThumbnailURLImageInfoCaptionRequestHandleClosure = { [weak self] _, _, _, caption, _ in
self?.verifyCaption(caption, expectedCaption: expectedCaption) ?? .failure(.sdkError(TestError.unknown))
timelineProxy.sendVideoUrlThumbnailURLVideoInfoCaptionRequestHandleClosure = { [weak self] _, _, _, caption, _ in
self?.verifyCaption(caption, expectedCaption: expectedCaption) ?? .failure(.sdkError(TestError.unknown))
let roomProxy = JoinedRoomProxyMock(.init())
roomProxy.timeline = timelineProxy
viewModel = MediaUploadPreviewScreenViewModel(userIndicatorController: UserIndicatorControllerMock(),
roomProxy: roomProxy,
mediaUploadingPreprocessor: MediaUploadingPreprocessor(appSettings: ServiceLocator.shared.settings),
title: "Some File",
url: url,
shouldShowCaptionWarning: true)
private func verifyCaption(_ caption: String?, expectedCaption: String?) -> Result<Void, TimelineProxyError> {
guard caption == expectedCaption else {
XCTFail("The sent caption '\(caption ?? "nil")' does not match the expected value '\(expectedCaption ?? "nil")'").self
return .failure(.sdkError(TestError.unexpectedParameter))
return .success(())
private func send() async throws {
let deferred = deferFulfillment(viewModel.actions) { $0 == .dismiss }
context.send(viewAction: .send)
try await deferred.fulfill()