Start fixing flakey tests ❄️ (#3329)

* Wait longer on authentication flow tests.

* Move default perceptualPrecision value into the snapshot preferences.

* Delay snapshots *before* setting up the test.

* Reset the simulators on GitHub before running?

* Remove a test that is now handled by Rust.

* Fix a test that was yielding.
This commit is contained in:
Doug 2024-09-26 16:09:01 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 23ab453a1e
commit 4d7d687954
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
44 changed files with 138 additions and 153 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ jobs:
source ci_scripts/ && setup_github_actions_environment
- name: Reset simulators
run: SNAPSHOT_FORCE_DELETE=1 bundle exec fastlane snapshot reset_simulators
- name: Run tests
run: bundle exec fastlane integration_tests

View File

@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ jobs:
swiftformat --lint .
- name: Reset simulators
run: SNAPSHOT_FORCE_DELETE=1 bundle exec fastlane snapshot reset_simulators
- name: Run tests
run: bundle exec fastlane unit_tests

View File

@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ jobs:
- name: SwiftFormat
run: swiftformat --lint .
- name: Reset simulators
run: SNAPSHOT_FORCE_DELETE=1 bundle exec fastlane snapshot reset_simulators
- name: Run tests
run: bundle exec fastlane unit_tests skip_previews:true

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public struct SnapshotPrecisionPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
public struct SnapshotPerceptualPrecisionPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
public static var defaultValue: Float = 1.0
public static var defaultValue: Float = 0.98
public static func reduce(value: inout Float, nextValue: () -> Float) {
value = nextValue()
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public extension SwiftUI.View {
/// - precision: The percentage of pixels that must match.
/// - perceptualPrecision: The percentage a pixel must match the source pixel to be considered a match. 98-99% mimics the precision of the human eye.
func snapshotPreferences(delay: TimeInterval = .zero, precision: Float = 1.0, perceptualPrecision: Float = 1.0) -> some SwiftUI.View {
func snapshotPreferences(delay: TimeInterval = .zero, precision: Float = 1.0, perceptualPrecision: Float = 0.98) -> some SwiftUI.View {
preference(key: SnapshotDelayPreferenceKey.self, value: delay)
.preference(key: SnapshotPrecisionPreferenceKey.self, value: precision)
.preference(key: SnapshotPerceptualPrecisionPreferenceKey.self, value: perceptualPrecision)

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import XCTest
@testable import ElementX
@testable import SnapshotTesting
class PreviewTests: XCTestCase {
private let deviceConfig: ViewImageConfig = .iPhoneX
private let simulatorDevice: String? = "iPhone14,6" // iPhone SE 3rd Generation
@ -50,6 +51,22 @@ class PreviewTests: XCTestCase {
// MARK: - Snapshots
func assertSnapshots(matching preview: _Preview, testName: String = #function) {
let preferences = SnapshotPreferences()
let preferenceReadingView = preview.content
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotDelayPreferenceKey.self) { preferences.delay = $0 }
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotPrecisionPreferenceKey.self) { preferences.precision = $0 }
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotPerceptualPrecisionPreferenceKey.self) { preferences.perceptualPrecision = $0 }
// Render an image of the view in order to trigger the preference updates to occur.
let imageRenderer = ImageRenderer(content: preferenceReadingView)
_ = imageRenderer.uiImage
// Delay the test now - a delay after creating the `snapshotView` results in the underlying view not getting updated for snapshotting.
if preferences.delay != .zero {
wait(for: preferences.delay)
for deviceName in snapshotDevices {
guard var device = PreviewDevice(rawValue: deviceName).snapshotDevice() else {
fatalError("Unknown device name: \(deviceName)")
@ -58,12 +75,13 @@ class PreviewTests: XCTestCase {
device.safeArea = .one
// Ignore specific device display scale
let traits = UITraitCollection(displayScale: 2.0)
if let failure = assertSnapshots(matching: AnyView(preview.content),
if let failure = assertSnapshots(matching: preview.content,
name: preview.displayName,
isScreen: preview.layout == .device,
device: device,
testName: testName + deviceName + "-" + localeCode,
traits: traits) {
traits: traits,
preferences: preferences) {
@ -85,19 +103,12 @@ class PreviewTests: XCTestCase {
private func assertSnapshots(matching view: AnyView,
name: String?, isScreen: Bool,
name: String?,
isScreen: Bool,
device: ViewImageConfig,
testName: String = #function,
traits: UITraitCollection = .init()) -> String? {
var delay: TimeInterval = 0
var precision: Float = 1
var perceptualPrecision: Float = 1
let view = view
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotDelayPreferenceKey.self) { delay = $0 }
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotPrecisionPreferenceKey.self) { precision = $0 }
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotPerceptualPrecisionPreferenceKey.self) { perceptualPrecision = $0 }
traits: UITraitCollection = .init(),
preferences: SnapshotPreferences) -> String? {
let matchingView = isScreen ? AnyView(view) : AnyView(view
.frame(width: device.size?.width)
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
@ -105,15 +116,27 @@ class PreviewTests: XCTestCase {
return withSnapshotTesting(record: recordMode) {
verifySnapshot(of: matchingView,
as: .prefireImage(precision: { precision },
perceptualPrecision: { perceptualPrecision },
duration: { delay },
as: .prefireImage(preferences: preferences,
layout: isScreen ? .device(config: device) : .sizeThatFits,
traits: traits),
named: name,
testName: testName)
private func wait(for duration: TimeInterval) {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Wait")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + duration) {
_ = XCTWaiter.wait(for: [expectation], timeout: duration + 1)
private class SnapshotPreferences {
var delay: TimeInterval = 0
var precision: Float = 1
var perceptualPrecision: Float = 1
// MARK: - SnapshotTesting + Extensions
@ -144,9 +167,7 @@ private extension PreviewDevice {
private extension Snapshotting where Value: SwiftUI.View, Format == UIImage {
static func prefireImage(drawHierarchyInKeyWindow: Bool = false,
precision: @escaping () -> Float,
perceptualPrecision: @escaping () -> Float,
duration: @escaping () -> TimeInterval,
preferences: SnapshotPreferences,
layout: SwiftUISnapshotLayout = .sizeThatFits,
traits: UITraitCollection = .init()) -> Snapshotting {
let config: ViewImageConfig
@ -165,7 +186,7 @@ private extension Snapshotting where Value: SwiftUI.View, Format == UIImage {
config = .init(safeArea: .one, size: size, traits: traits)
return SimplySnapshotting<UIImage>(pathExtension: "png", diffing: .prefireImage(precision: precision, perceptualPrecision: perceptualPrecision, scale: traits.displayScale))
return SimplySnapshotting<UIImage>(pathExtension: "png", diffing: .prefireImage(preferences: preferences, scale: traits.displayScale))
.asyncPullback { view in
var config = config
@ -182,30 +203,18 @@ private extension Snapshotting where Value: SwiftUI.View, Format == UIImage {
controller = hostingController
return Async<UIImage> { callback in
let strategy = snapshotView(config: config,
return snapshotView(config: config,
drawHierarchyInKeyWindow: drawHierarchyInKeyWindow,
traits: traits,
view: controller.view,
viewController: controller)
let duration = duration()
if duration != .zero {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Wait")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + duration) {
_ = XCTWaiter.wait(for: [expectation], timeout: duration + 1)
private extension Diffing where Value == UIImage {
static func prefireImage(precision: @escaping () -> Float, perceptualPrecision: @escaping () -> Float, scale: CGFloat?) -> Diffing {
lazy var originalDiffing = Diffing.image(precision: precision(), perceptualPrecision: 0.98, scale: scale)
static func prefireImage(preferences: SnapshotPreferences, scale: CGFloat?) -> Diffing {
lazy var originalDiffing = Diffing.image(precision: preferences.precision, perceptualPrecision: preferences.perceptualPrecision, scale: scale)
return Diffing(toData: { originalDiffing.toData($0) },
fromData: { originalDiffing.fromData($0) },
diff: { originalDiffing.diff($0, $1) })

View File

@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ class ComposerToolbarViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.state.suggestions, suggestions)
func testSuggestionTrigger() async {
func testSuggestionTrigger() async throws {
let deferred = deferFulfillment(wysiwygViewModel.$attributedContent) { $0.plainText == "#not_implemented_yay" }
await Task.yield()
try await deferred.fulfill()
// The first one is nil because when initialised the view model is empty
XCTAssertEqual(completionSuggestionServiceMock.setSuggestionTriggerReceivedInvocations, [nil, .init(type: .user, text: "test", range: .init(location: 0, length: 5)), nil])

View File

@ -256,39 +256,6 @@ class TimelineViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
XCTAssertEqual(arguments?.type, .read)
func testSendMoreReadReceipts() async throws {
// Given a room with only text items in the timeline that are all read.
let items = [TextRoomTimelineItem(eventID: "t1"),
TextRoomTimelineItem(eventID: "t2"),
TextRoomTimelineItem(eventID: "t3")]
let (viewModel, _, timelineProxy, timelineController) = readReceiptsConfiguration(with: items)
viewModel.context.send(viewAction: .sendReadReceiptIfNeeded(items.last!.id))
try await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(100))
XCTAssertEqual(timelineProxy.sendReadReceiptForTypeCallsCount, 1)
var arguments = timelineProxy.sendReadReceiptForTypeReceivedArguments
XCTAssertEqual(arguments?.eventID, "t3")
XCTAssertEqual(arguments?.type, .read)
// When sending a receipt for the first item in the timeline.
viewModel.context.send(viewAction: .sendReadReceiptIfNeeded(items.first!.id))
try await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(100))
// When a new message is received and marked as read.
let newMessage = TextRoomTimelineItem(eventID: "t4")
timelineController.callbacks.send(.updatedTimelineItems(timelineItems: timelineController.timelineItems, isSwitchingTimelines: false))
try await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(100))
viewModel.context.send(viewAction: .sendReadReceiptIfNeeded(
try await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(100))
// Then the request should be made.
XCTAssertEqual(timelineProxy.sendReadReceiptForTypeCallsCount, 3)
arguments = timelineProxy.sendReadReceiptForTypeReceivedArguments
XCTAssertEqual(arguments?.eventID, "t4")
XCTAssertEqual(arguments?.type, .read)
func testSendReadReceiptWithoutEvents() async throws {
// Given a room with only virtual items.
let items = [SeparatorRoomTimelineItem(timelineID: "v1"),

View File

@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class UserSessionFlowCoordinatorTests: XCTestCase {
private func process(route: AppRoute, expectedState: UserSessionFlowCoordinatorStateMachine.State) async throws {
// Sometimes the state machine's state changes before the coordinators have updated the stack.
let delayedPublisher = userSessionFlowCoordinator.statePublisher.delay(for: .milliseconds(10), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
let delayedPublisher = userSessionFlowCoordinator.statePublisher.delay(for: .milliseconds(100), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
let deferred = deferFulfillment(delayedPublisher) { $0 == expectedState }
userSessionFlowCoordinator.handleAppRoute(route, animated: true)