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// Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
// Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import Combine
import SwiftUI
import XCTest
@testable import ElementX
@testable import SnapshotTesting
class PreviewTests: XCTestCase {
private let deviceConfig: ViewImageConfig = .iPhoneX
private let simulatorDevice: String? = "iPhone14,6" // iPhone SE 3rd Generation
private let requiredOSVersion = (major: 18, minor: 1)
private let snapshotDevices = ["iPhone 16", "iPad"]
private var recordMode: SnapshotTestingConfiguration.Record = .missing
override func setUp() {
if ProcessInfo().environment["RECORD_FAILURES"].map(Bool.init) == true {
recordMode = .failed
/// Check environments to avoid problems with snapshots on different devices or OS.
private func checkEnvironments() {
if let simulatorDevice {
let deviceModel = ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"]
guard deviceModel?.contains(simulatorDevice) ?? false else {
fatalError("\(deviceModel ?? "Unknown") is the wrong one. Switch to using \(simulatorDevice) for these tests.")
let osVersion = ProcessInfo().operatingSystemVersion
guard osVersion.majorVersion == requiredOSVersion.major, osVersion.minorVersion == requiredOSVersion.minor else {
fatalError("Switch to iOS \(requiredOSVersion) for these tests.")
guard !snapshotDevices.isEmpty else {
fatalError("Specify at least one snapshot device to test on.")
// MARK: - Snapshots
func assertSnapshots(matching preview: _Preview, testName: String = #function, step: Int) async throws {
let preferences = SnapshotPreferences()
let preferenceReadingView = preview.content
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotPrecisionPreferenceKey.self) { preferences.precision = $0 }
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotPerceptualPrecisionPreferenceKey.self) { preferences.perceptualPrecision = $0 }
.onPreferenceChange(SnapshotFulfillmentPublisherPreferenceKey.self) { preferences.fulfillmentPublisher = $0?.publisher }
// Render an image of the view in order to trigger the preference updates to occur.
let imageRenderer = ImageRenderer(content: preferenceReadingView)
_ = imageRenderer.uiImage
if let fulfillmentPublisher = preferences.fulfillmentPublisher {
let deferred = deferFulfillment(fulfillmentPublisher) { $0 == true }
try await deferred.fulfill()
var sanitizedSuiteName = String(testName.suffix(testName.count - "test".count).dropLast(2))
sanitizedSuiteName = sanitizedSuiteName.prefix(1).lowercased() + sanitizedSuiteName.dropFirst()
for deviceName in snapshotDevices {
guard var device = PreviewDevice(rawValue: deviceName).snapshotDevice() else {
fatalError("Unknown device name: \(deviceName)")
// Ignore specific device safe area (using the workaround value to fix rendering issues).
device.safeArea = .one
// Ignore specific device display scale
let traits = UITraitCollection(displayScale: 2.0)
var testName = ""
if let displayName = preview.displayName {
testName = "\(displayName)-\(deviceName)-\(localeCode)"
} else {
testName = "\(deviceName)-\(localeCode)-\(step)"
if let failure = assertSnapshots(matching: preview.content,
name: testName,
isScreen: preview.layout == .device,
device: device,
testName: sanitizedSuiteName,
traits: traits,
preferences: preferences) {
private var localeCode: String {
if UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "NSDoubleLocalizedStrings") {
return "pseudo"
return languageCode + "-" + regionCode
private var languageCode: String {
Locale.current.language.languageCode?.identifier ?? ""
private var regionCode: String {
Locale.current.language.region?.identifier ?? ""
private func assertSnapshots(matching view: AnyView,
name: String?,
isScreen: Bool,
device: ViewImageConfig,
testName: String = #function,
traits: UITraitCollection = .init(),
preferences: SnapshotPreferences) -> String? {
let matchingView = isScreen ? AnyView(view) : AnyView(view
.frame(width: device.size?.width)
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
return withSnapshotTesting(record: recordMode) {
verifySnapshot(of: matchingView,
as: .prefireImage(preferences: preferences,
layout: isScreen ? .device(config: device) : .sizeThatFits,
traits: traits),
named: name,
testName: testName)
private func wait(for duration: TimeInterval) {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Wait")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + duration) {
_ = XCTWaiter.wait(for: [expectation], timeout: duration + 1)
private class SnapshotPreferences: @unchecked Sendable {
var precision: Float = 1
var perceptualPrecision: Float = 1
var fulfillmentPublisher: AnyPublisher<Bool, Never>?
// MARK: - SnapshotTesting + Extensions
private extension PreviewDevice {
func snapshotDevice() -> ViewImageConfig? {
switch rawValue {
case "iPhone 16", "iPhone 15", "iPhone 14", "iPhone 13", "iPhone 12", "iPhone 11", "iPhone 10":
return .iPhoneX
case "iPhone 6", "iPhone 6s", "iPhone 7", "iPhone 8":
return .iPhone8
case "iPhone 6 Plus", "iPhone 6s Plus", "iPhone 8 Plus":
return .iPhone8Plus
case "iPhone SE (1st generation)", "iPhone SE (2nd generation)":
return .iPhoneSe
case "iPad":
return .iPad10_2
case "iPad Mini":
return .iPadMini
case "iPad Pro 11":
return .iPadPro11
case "iPad Pro 12.9":
return .iPadPro12_9
default: return nil
private extension Snapshotting where Value: SwiftUI.View, Format == UIImage {
static func prefireImage(drawHierarchyInKeyWindow: Bool = false,
preferences: SnapshotPreferences,
layout: SwiftUISnapshotLayout = .sizeThatFits,
traits: UITraitCollection = .init()) -> Snapshotting {
let config: ViewImageConfig
switch layout {
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
case let .device(config: deviceConfig):
config = deviceConfig
case .sizeThatFits:
// Make sure to use the workaround safe area insets.
config = .init(safeArea: .one, size: nil, traits: traits)
case let .fixed(width: width, height: height):
let size = CGSize(width: width, height: height)
// Make sure to use the workaround safe area insets.
config = .init(safeArea: .one, size: size, traits: traits)
return SimplySnapshotting<UIImage>(pathExtension: "png", diffing: .prefireImage(preferences: preferences, scale: traits.displayScale))
.asyncPullback { view in
var config = config
let controller: UIViewController
if config.size != nil {
controller = UIHostingController(rootView: view)
} else {
let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: view)
let maxSize = CGSize.zero
config.size = hostingController.sizeThatFits(in: maxSize)
controller = hostingController
return snapshotView(config: config,
drawHierarchyInKeyWindow: drawHierarchyInKeyWindow,
traits: traits,
view: controller.view,
viewController: controller)
private extension Diffing where Value == UIImage {
static func prefireImage(preferences: SnapshotPreferences, scale: CGFloat?) -> Diffing {
lazy var originalDiffing = Diffing.image(precision: preferences.precision, perceptualPrecision: preferences.perceptualPrecision, scale: scale)
return Diffing(toData: { originalDiffing.toData($0) },
fromData: { originalDiffing.fromData($0) },
diff: { originalDiffing.diff($0, $1) })
private extension UIEdgeInsets {
/// A custom inset that prevents the snapshotting library from rendering the
/// origin at (10000, 10000) which breaks some of our views such as MessageText.
static var one: UIEdgeInsets { UIEdgeInsets(top: 1, left: 1, bottom: 1, right: 1) }