
255 lines
15 KiB

// swiftlint:disable all
@preconcurrency import MatrixRustSDK
import Foundation
{% for import in argument.autoMockableImports %}
import {{ import }}
{% endfor %}
{% for import in argument.autoMockableTestableImports %}
@testable import {{ import }}
{% endfor %}
{% macro swiftifyMethodName name %}{{ name | replace:"(","_" | replace:")","" | replace:":","_" | replace:"`","" | snakeToCamelCase | lowerFirstWord }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro accessLevel level %}{% if level != 'internal' %}{{ level }} {% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro staticSpecifier method %}{% if method.isStatic and not method.isInitializer %}static {% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodThrowableErrorDeclaration method %}
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ThrowableError: Error?
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodThrowableErrorUsage method %}
if let error = {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ThrowableError {
throw error
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodReceivedParameters method %}
{% set hasNonEscapingClosures %}
{%- for param in method.parameters where param.isClosure and not param.typeAttributes.escaping %}
{{ true }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endset %}
{% if method.parameters.count == 1 and not hasNonEscapingClosures %}
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}Received{% for param in method.parameters %}{{ | replace:"`","" | upperFirstLetter }} = {{ | replace:"`","" }}{% endfor %}
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedInvocations.append({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ }}){% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% if not method.parameters.count == 0 and not hasNonEscapingClosures %}
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedArguments = ({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ | replace:"`","" }}: {{ | replace:"`","" }}{% if not forloop.last%}, {% endif %}{% endfor %})
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedInvocations.append(({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ | replace:"`","" }}: {{ | replace:"`","" }}{% if not forloop.last%}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}))
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodClosureName method %}{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}Closure{% endmacro %}
{% macro closureReturnTypeName method %}{% if method.isOptionalReturnType %}{{ method.unwrappedReturnTypeName }}?{% else %}{{ method.returnTypeName }}{% endif %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodClosureDeclaration method %}
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call methodClosureName method %}: (({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ param.typeName }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}) {% if method.isAsync %}async {% endif %}{% if method.throws %}throws {% endif %}-> {% if method.isInitializer %}Void{% else %}{% call closureReturnTypeName method %}{% endif %})?
{% endmacro %}
{% macro methodClosureCallParameters method %}{% for param in method.parameters %}{{ }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockMethod method %}
//MARK: - {{ method.shortName }}
{% if method.throws %}
{% call methodThrowableErrorDeclaration method %}
{% endif %}
{% if not method.isInitializer %}
var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingCallsCount = 0
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}CallsCount: Int {
get {
if Thread.isMainThread {
return {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingCallsCount
} else {
var returnValue: Int? = nil
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
returnValue = {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingCallsCount
return returnValue!
set {
if Thread.isMainThread {
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingCallsCount = newValue
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingCallsCount = newValue
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}Called: Bool {
return {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}CallsCount > 0
{% endif %}
{% set hasNonEscapingClosures %}
{%- for param in method.parameters where param.isClosure and not param.typeAttributes.escaping %}
{{ true }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endset %}
{% if method.parameters.count == 1 and not hasNonEscapingClosures %}
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}Received{% for param in method.parameters %}{{| replace:"`","" | upperFirstLetter }}: {{ '(' if param.isClosure }}{{ param.typeName.unwrappedTypeName }}{{ ')' if param.isClosure }}?{% endfor %}
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedInvocations{% for param in method.parameters %}: [{{ '(' if param.isClosure }}{{ param.typeName.unwrappedTypeName }}{{ ')' if param.isClosure }}{%if param.typeName.isOptional%}?{%endif%}]{% endfor %} = []
{% elif not method.parameters.count == 0 and not hasNonEscapingClosures %}
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedArguments: ({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ }}: {{ param.unwrappedTypeName if param.typeAttributes.escaping else param.typeName }}{{ ', ' if not forloop.last }}{% endfor %})?
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedInvocations: [({% for param in method.parameters %}{{ }}: {{ param.unwrappedTypeName if param.typeAttributes.escaping else param.typeName }}{{ ', ' if not forloop.last }}{% endfor %})] = []
{% endif %}
{% if not method.returnTypeName.isVoid and not method.isInitializer %}
var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingReturnValue: {{ '(' if method.returnTypeName.isClosure and not method.isOptionalReturnType }}{{ method.returnTypeName }}{{ ')' if method.returnTypeName.isClosure and not method.isOptionalReturnType }}{{ '!' if not method.isOptionalReturnType }}
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}{% call staticSpecifier method %}var {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReturnValue: {{ '(' if method.returnTypeName.isClosure and not method.isOptionalReturnType }}{{ method.returnTypeName }}{{ ')' if method.returnTypeName.isClosure and not method.isOptionalReturnType }}{{ '!' if not method.isOptionalReturnType }} {
get {
if Thread.isMainThread {
return {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingReturnValue
} else {
var returnValue: {{ method.returnTypeName }}? = nil
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
returnValue = {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingReturnValue
return returnValue!
set {
if Thread.isMainThread {
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingReturnValue = newValue
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}UnderlyingReturnValue = newValue
{% endif %}
{% call methodClosureDeclaration method %}
{% if method.isInitializer %}
{% else %}
{% for name, attribute in method.attributes %}
{% for value in attribute %}
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% call accessLevel method.accessLevel %}override {% call staticSpecifier method %}func {{ }}{{ ' async' if method.isAsync }}{{ ' throws' if method.throws }}{% if not method.returnTypeName.isVoid %} -> {{ method.returnTypeName }}{% endif %} {
{% if method.throws %}
{% call methodThrowableErrorUsage method %}
{% endif %}
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}CallsCount += 1
{% call methodReceivedParameters method %}
{% if method.returnTypeName.isVoid %}
{% if method.throws %}try {% endif %}{% if method.isAsync %}await {% endif %}{% call methodClosureName method %}?({% call methodClosureCallParameters method %})
{% else %}
if let {% call methodClosureName method %} = {% call methodClosureName method %} {
return {{ 'try ' if method.throws }}{{ 'await ' if method.isAsync }}{% call methodClosureName method %}({% call methodClosureCallParameters method %})
} else {
return {% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReturnValue
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro resetMethod method %}
{# for type method which are mocked, a way to reset the invocation, argument, etc #}
{% if method.isStatic and not method.isInitializer and method.accessLevel == "open" %} //MARK: - {{ method.shortName }}
{% if not method.isInitializer %}
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}CallsCount = 0
{% endif %}
{% if method.parameters.count == 1 %}
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}Received{% for param in method.parameters %}{{|upperFirstLetter }}{% endfor %} = nil
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedInvocations = []
{% elif not method.parameters.count == 0 %}
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedArguments = nil
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ReceivedInvocations = []
{% endif %}
{% call methodClosureName method %} = nil
{% if method.throws %}
{% call swiftifyMethodName method.selectorName %}ThrowableError = nil
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockOptionalVariable variable %}
{% if == 'delegate' %}weak {% endif %}{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockNonOptionalArrayOrDictionaryVariable variable %}
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }} = {% if variable.isArray %}[]{% elif variable.isDictionary %}[:]{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockNonOptionalVariable variable %}
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }} {
get { return {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %} }
set(value) { {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %} = value }
{% set wrappedTypeName %}{% if variable.typeName.isProtocolComposition %}({{ variable.typeName }}){% else %}{{ variable.typeName }}{% endif %}{% endset %}
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %}: {{ wrappedTypeName }}!
{% endmacro %}
{% macro variableThrowableErrorDeclaration variable %}
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}ThrowableError: Error?
{% endmacro %}
{% macro variableThrowableErrorUsage variable %}
if let error = {% call mockedVariableName variable %}ThrowableError {
throw error
{% endmacro %}
{% macro variableClosureDeclaration variable %}
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call variableClosureName variable %}: (() {% if variable.isAsync %}async {% endif %}{% if variable.throws %}throws {% endif %}-> {{ variable.typeName }})?
{% endmacro %}
{% macro variableClosureName variable %}{% call mockedVariableName variable %}Closure{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockAsyncOrThrowingVariable variable %}
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}CallsCount = 0
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}Called: Bool {
return {% call mockedVariableName variable %}CallsCount > 0
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call mockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }} {
get {% if variable.isAsync %}async {% endif %}{% if variable.throws %}throws {% endif %}{
{% if variable.throws %}
{% call variableThrowableErrorUsage variable %}
{% endif %}
{% call mockedVariableName variable %}CallsCount += 1
if let {% call variableClosureName variable %} = {% call variableClosureName variable %} {
return {{ 'try ' if variable.throws }}{{ 'await ' if variable.isAsync }}{% call variableClosureName variable %}()
} else {
return {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %}
{% call accessLevel variable.readAccess %}var {% call underlyingMockedVariableName variable %}: {{ variable.typeName }}{{ '!' if not variable.isOptional }}
{% if variable.throws %}
{% call variableThrowableErrorDeclaration variable %}
{% endif %}
{% call variableClosureDeclaration method %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro underlyingMockedVariableName variable %}underlying{{|upperFirstLetter }}{% endmacro %}
{% macro mockedVariableName variable %}{{ }}{% endmacro %}
{% for type in types.classes %}{% if != "AutoMockable" %}{% if type.accessLevel == "open" %}
{% call accessLevel type.accessLevel %}class {{ | replace:"Protocol","" }}SDKMock: MatrixRustSDK.{{ }}, @unchecked Sendable {
{% if type.accessLevel == "open" %}
init() {
super.init(noPointer: .init())
public required init(unsafeFromRawPointer pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
fatalError("init(unsafeFromRawPointer:) has not been implemented")
{% endif %}
{% for variable in type.allVariables|!definedInExtension %}
{% if variable.isAsync or variable.throws %}{% call mockAsyncOrThrowingVariable variable %}{% elif variable.isOptional %}{% call mockOptionalVariable variable %}{% elif variable.isArray or variable.isDictionary %}{% call mockNonOptionalArrayOrDictionaryVariable variable %}{% else %}{% call mockNonOptionalVariable variable %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if type.allMethods|static|count != 0 and type.allMethods|initializer|count != type.allMethods|static|count %}
static func reset()
{% for method in type.allMethods|static %}
{% call resetMethod method %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for method in type.allMethods|!definedInExtension %}
{% if not method.isDeinitializer and method.accessLevel == "open" %}
{% call mockMethod method %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
// swiftlint:enable all