Stefan Ceriu 142180b1f3
Various CI fixes (#161)
* Update homebrew dependencies like on the other workflows. Fixes problems caused by buggy swiftformat prebundled on the github actions macos runner

* Removed UI tests from PR tests and running them on a schedule instead. Hopefuly fixed code coverage.

* Added back simulator versions as they need to match UI test snapshots

* Allow UI tests to run on this PR

* Added back skipped UI tests

* Fix danger sometimes not working on forks and disable integration tests on them
2022-08-19 17:42:03 +03:00

83 lines
2.7 KiB

import Danger
import Foundation
SwiftLint.lint(inline: true)
let danger = Danger()
// Warn when there is a big PR
if (danger.github.pullRequest.additions ?? 0) > 500 {
warn("This pull request seems relatively large. Please consider splitting it into multiple smaller ones.")
// Check that the PR has a description
if danger.github.pullRequest.body?.isEmpty ?? true {
warn("Please provide a description for this PR.")
// Request a changelog for each app change
let editedFiles = danger.git.modifiedFiles + danger.git.createdFiles
let changelogFiles = editedFiles.filter { $0.hasPrefix("changelog.d/") }
if editedFiles.count > 0, changelogFiles.isEmpty {
warn("Please add a changelog.")
// Check for a ticket number
if let ticketNumberRegex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: "#\\d+") {
let missingTicketNumber = !danger.git.commits.filter {
!$0.message.contains("vector-im/element-x-ios/issues/") &&
ticketNumberRegex.firstMatch(in: $0.message, options: [], range: .init(location: 0, length: $0.message.utf16.count)) == nil
if missingTicketNumber {
warn("Some of the commits are missing ticket numbers. Please consinder using them for better tracking.")
// Check for a sign-off
let signOff = "Signed-off-by:"
let allowList = ["stefanceriu",
let requiresSignOff = !allowList.contains(where: {
$0.caseInsensitiveCompare(danger.github.pullRequest.user.login) == .orderedSame
if requiresSignOff {
let hasPRBodySignOff = danger.github.pullRequest.body?.contains(signOff) ?? false
let isMissingCommitsSignOff = !danger.git.commits.filter {
if !hasPRBodySignOff, isMissingCommitsSignOff {
warn("Please add a sign-off to either the PR description or to the commits themselves.")
// Check for screenshots on view changes
let hasChangedViews = !editedFiles.filter { $0.lowercased().contains("/view") }.isEmpty
if hasChangedViews {
if (danger.github.pullRequest.body?.contains("user-images") ?? false) == false {
warn("You seem to have made changes to views. Please consider adding screenshots.")
// Check for pngs on resources
let hasPngs = !editedFiles.filter { $0.lowercased().contains(".xcassets") && $0.lowercased().hasSuffix(".png") }.isEmpty
if hasPngs {
warn("You seem to have made changes to some resource images. Please consider using an SVG or PDF.")