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The Oracle module is responsible for collecting off-chain data and verifying its authenticity before submitting it to the blockchain. In this case, the data is associated account balances for Ethereum/Bitcoin derived addresses.
Specify and describe structures expected to marshalled into the store, and their keys
Account State
The Account state includes the user's public key, associated wallets, and other identification details. It is stored using the user's DID as the key.
Credential State
The Credential state includes the claims about a subject and is stored using the credential ID as the key.
State Transitions
Standard state transition operations triggered by hooks, messages, etc.
Specify message structure(s) and expected state machine behaviour(s).
Begin Block
Specify any begin-block operations.
End Block
Specify any end-block operations.
Describe available hooks to be called by/from this module.
List and describe event tags used.
List and describe CLI commands and gRPC and REST endpoints.
List all module parameters, their types (in JSON) and identitys.
Future Improvements
Describe future improvements of this module.
Acceptance tests.
Supplementary details referenced elsewhere within the spec.
his is a module base generated with spawn
his is a module base generated with spawn