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Vue (version 2) Tips for using Nebula in your Vue 2 app.

Vue (version 2)

Vue plays nice with custom elements, so you can use Nebula in your Vue apps with ease.

:::tip These instructions are for Vue 2. If you're using Vue 3 or above, please see the Vue 3 instructions. :::


To add Nebula to your Vue app, install the package from npm.

npm install @onsonr/nebula

Next, include a theme and set the base path for icons and other assets. In this example, we'll import the light theme and use the CDN as a base path.

import '@onsonr/nebula/%NPMDIR%/themes/light.css';
import { setBasePath } from '@onsonr/nebula/%NPMDIR%/utilities/base-path';


:::tip If you'd rather not use the CDN for assets, you can create a build task that copies node_modules/@onsonr/nebula/dist/assets into a public folder in your app. Then you can point the base path to that folder instead. :::


You'll need to tell Vue to ignore Nebula components. This is pretty easy because they all start with sl-.

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';

Vue.config.ignoredElements = [/sl-/];

const app = new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


Now you can start using Nebula components in your app!


Binding Complex Data

When binding complex data such as objects and arrays, use the .prop modifier to make Vue bind them as a property instead of an attribute.

<sl-color-picker :swatches.prop="mySwatches" />

Two-way Binding

One caveat is there's currently no support for v-model on custom elements, but you can still achieve two-way binding manually.

<!-- This doesn't work -->
<sl-input v-model="name"></sl-input>
<!-- This works, but it's a bit longer -->
<sl-input :value="name" @input="name = $event.target.value"></sl-input>

If that's too verbose for your liking, you can use a custom directive instead. This utility adds a custom directive that will work just like v-model but for Nebula components. To install it, use this command.

npm install @shoelace-style/vue-sl-model@1

Next, import the directive and enable it like this.

import Vue from 'vue';
import NebulaModelDirective from '@shoelace-style/vue-sl-model';
import App from './App.vue';

Vue.config.ignoredElements = [/sl-/];

const app = new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


Now you can use the v-sl-model directive to keep your data in sync!

<sl-input v-sl-model="name"></sl-input>

:::tip Are you using Nebula with Vue? Help us improve this page! :::