
Hookshot supports running in a worker configuration, using Redis as the middleman process to handle traffic between processes.

This feature is experimental and should only be used when you are reaching natural limits in the monolith process.

Running in multi-process mode

You must first have a working redis instance somewhere which can talk between processes. For example, in Docker you can run:

docker run --name github-bridge-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis.

The processes should all share the same config, which should contain the correct config enable redis:

  monolithic: false
  port: 6379
  host: github-bridge-redis

Note that if encryption is enabled, queue.monolithic must be set to true, as worker mode is not yet supported with encryption.

Once that is done, you can simply start the processes by name using yarn:

yarn start:webhooks
yarn start:matrixsender
yarn start:app

Be aware that you will need to start all worker types when running in worker mode, as the service does not allow a hybrid worker approach.