Will Hunt bade5be6eb
Move webhooks from / to /webhook (#227)
* Move webhooks from / to /webhooks

* fix doc

* Update docs

* Fix tests

* changelog

* Update sample config

* fixup config

* fix changelog

* commit config changes
2022-03-07 23:57:06 +00:00

6.6 KiB


Hookshot supports generic webhook support so that services can send messages into Matrix rooms without being aware of the Matrix protocol. This works by having services hit a unique URL that then transforms a HTTP payload into a Matrix message.


You will need to add the following configuration to the config file.

  enabled: true
  urlPrefix: https://example.com/mywebhookspath/
  allowJsTransformationFunctions: false
  waitForComplete: false
  # userIdPrefix: webhook_
Previous versions of the bridge listened for requests on `/` rather than `/webhook`. While this behaviour will continue to work, administators are advised to use `/webhook`.

The webhooks listener listens on the path /webhook.

The bridge listens for incoming webhooks requests on the host and port provided in the listeners config.

urlPrefix describes the public facing URL of your webhook handler. For instance, if your load balancer redirected webhook requests from https://example.com/mywebhookspath to the bridge (on /webhook), an example webhook URL would look like: https://example.com/mywebhookspath/abcdef.

waitForComplete causes the bridge to wait until the webhook is processed before sending a response. Some services prefer you always respond with a 200 as soon as the webhook has entered processing (false) while others prefer to know if the resulting Matrix message has been sent (true). By default this is false.

You may set a userIdPrefix to create a specific user for each new webhook connection in a room. For example, a connection with a name like example for a prefix of webhook_ will create a user called @webhook_example:example.com. If you enable this option, you need to configure the user to be part of your registration file e.g.:

# registration.yaml
    - regex: "@webhook_.+:example.com" # Where example.com is your domain name.
      exclusive: true

Adding a webhook

To add a webhook to your room:

  • Invite the bot user to the room.
  • Make sure the bot able to send state events (usually the Moderator power level in clients)
  • Say !hookshot webhook example where example is a name for your hook.
  • The bot will respond with the webhook URL to be sent to services.

Webhook Handling

Hookshot handles HTTP requests with a method of GET, POST or PUT.

If the request is a GET request, the query parameters are assumed to be the body. Otherwise, the body of the request should be a JSON payload.

If the body contains a text key, then that key will be used as a message body in Matrix (aka body). This text will be automatically converted from Markdown to HTML (unless a html key is provided.).

If the body contains a html key, then that key will be used as the HTML message body in Matrix (aka formatted_body). A text key fallback MUST still be provided.

If the body also contains a username key, then the message will be prepended by the given username. This will be prepended to both text and html.

If the body does NOT contain a text field, the full JSON payload will be sent to the room. This can be adapted into a message by creating a JavaScript transformation function.

JavaScript Transformations

Although every effort has been made to securely sandbox scripts, running untrusted code from users is always risky. Ensure safe permissions in your room to prevent users from tampering with the script.

This bridge supports creating small JavaScript snippets to translate an incoming webhook payload into a message for the room, giving you a very powerful ability to generate messages based on whatever input is coming in.

The input is parsed and exectuted within a seperate JavaScript Virtual Machine context, and is limited to an execution time of 2 seconds. With that said, the feature is disabled by default and allowJsTransformationFunctions must be enabled in the config.

The code snippets can be edited by editing the Matrix state event corresponding to this connection (with a state type of uk.half-shot.matrix-hookshot.generic.hook). Because this is a fairly advanced feature, this documentation won't go into how to edit state events from your client. Please seek out documentation from your client on how to achieve this.

The script string should be set within the state event under the transformationFunction key.

Script API

Transformation scripts have a versioned API. You can check the version of the API that the hookshot instance supports at runtime by checking the HookshotApiVersion variable. If the variable is undefined, it should be considered v1.

The execution environment will contain a data variable, which will be the body of the incoming request (JSON will be parsed into an Object). Scripts are executed syncronously and expect the result variable to be set.

If the script contains errors or is otherwise unable to work, the bridge will send an error to the room. You can check the logs of the bridge for a more precise error.


The v2 api expects an object to be returned from the result variable.

  "version": "v2" // The version of the schema being returned from the function. This is always "v2".
  "empty": true|false, // Should the webhook be ignored and no output returned. The default is false (plain must be provided).
  "plain": "Some text", // The plaintext value to be used for the Matrix message.
  "html": "<b>Some</b> text", // The HTML value to be used for the Matrix message. If not provided, plain will be interpreted as markdown.

Example script

Where data = {"counter": 5, "maxValue": 4}

if (data.counter === undefined) {
  // The API didn't give us a counter, send no message.
  result = {empty: true, version: "v2"};
} else if (data.counter > data.maxValue) {
    result = {plain: `**Oh no!** The counter has gone over by ${data.counter - data.maxValue}`, version: "v2"};
} else {
    result = {plain: `*Everything is fine*, the counter is under by ${data.maxValue - data.counter}`, version: "v2"};


The v1 API expects result to be a string. The string will be automatically transformed into markdown. All webhook messages will be prefix'd with Received webhook:. If result is falsey (undefined, false or null) then the message will be No content.

Example script

Where data = {"counter": 5, "maxValue": 4}

if (data.counter > data.maxValue) {
    result = `**Oh no!** The counter has gone over by ${data.counter - data.maxValue}`
} else {
    result = `*Everything is fine*, the counter is under by ${data.maxValue - data.counter}`