* Add user options menu properties to home screen
* Implement home screen new callbacks
* Add user menu button on home screen
* Add changelog
* Fix unit tests
* Fix user menu button layout, make menu sectioned
* Remove user display name from home screen classes
* moved NSRegularExpression outside of the AttributedString builder into the MatrixEntityRegex
* fixed eventId v3 regex
* added permalink builders for users, room identifiers and aliases, and events
* added timeline item permalink contextual menu actions and error alerts
* added an app wide ServiceLocator and moved the top level userIndicatorPresenter to it.
* added URL constructor that takes a StaticString and returns an non-optional
* Include Unit and UI tests in the swiftlint search paths
Various logging fixes:
* imported the ObjCWrapper and updated the MXLogger. Also added back support for app containers
* updated MXLog.swift from El and fixed/improved its logging format
* updated most app log strings
* Remove unnecessary swiftlint rule
* Various tweaks following code review
* Added back type annoation on MXLogger logFiles method
* Fix generated Swift-ObjC header name
* Request all required OIDC scopes on auth
* User real TOS and Policy URLs for OIDC
* Request refresh_token grant type when registering client
* Use unstable OIDC scope prefixes
* Update SDK package to 1.0.12-alpha.
* Use an app group for storage and stop stripping the http from the homeserver when configuring the service.
* Rename access token to restore token.
* Remove matrix.org server description inline with latest FTUE changes.
* vector-im/element-x-ios/issues/31 - Session verification unit and UI tests
* Fix ImageAnonymizer tests when running on Apple Silicon
* Rename SessionVerification to SessionVerificationScreen
* #34 Create `TimelineItemStylerView`
* #34 Add styler view into different type of cells
* #34 Use placeholder avatar image on room list
* #34 Add `isOutgoing` param to event based timeline item
* #34 Compute `isOutgoing` for timeline items
* #34 Update sender info view in timeline
* #34 Update mock timeline items
* #34 Rename `EventBasedTimelineView` to `EventBasedTimelineSenderView`
* #34 Change padding on timeline cells
* #34 Create `TimelineItemStylerView` to move content into a bubble if needed
* #34 Use styler view in all of the timeline item views
* #34 Make timestamp more readable on images
* #34 Little layout tweaks
* #34 Add changelog
* #34 Fix code smells
* #34 Set text colors on timeline items
* #34 Fix background color of the timeline
* #34 Fix PR remarks
* #34 Set background colors explicitly on remaining screens
* #34 Reduce min bubble width and make it a scaled metric
* #34 Refactor `PlaceholderAvatarImage` to accept a text only
* #34 Fix code smell
* #34 Fix further comments